Hi. And welcome. I bet you came to see how bad I am at drawing didn't you. Or how great I am? NO? Some people ask me about Kaos... Well let's just say that Kaos has no interest whatsoever in drawing or making up stuff. The only thing he's good at is being annoying and in any kind of games.... --He always beats me in games, but not in fighting or wrestling-- Anyway enjoy what I have to bring.
Note: Most of my fan-work is done on my computer, since my scanner is so screwed up this is the only way

My Fan-art
A Pokémon parody with Bulma and Vegeta
Juunana-gou giving a shout out to his friendJen-gou
A Juunana collage. Please don't steal it

My Fanfiction
Ice, Ice, baby

Soon to come "One Final Fantasy." It's about, yeah you've guessed it Final Fantasy 8. I guess I played too hard too long (and trust waayyy too long it four CDs!)

REASONS WHY DBZ IS better THAN PKMN- PG 13 lots of obscene things. Well maybe not ALOT but some.

My interview with Juunana-gou

My SECOND interview with Juunana-gou



The Duo interview!-By:Laylee Maxwell
I've added her work with mine well....because..... She's my good friend and I like having her around. She's a weirdo like me and I appreaciatte that..... Hm... Hope she don't kill me for that. =^-^=!

This much peoplehave come to see how good/bad I am.