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  • wutsup everybody? well hopefully everything's great for all of you guys 'cuz as for me, i guess i'm okae. same as usual i guess! can you believe that summer is over soon? i have only 9 days of vacation left!! it went by so fast this summer..... i thought that it would go slow since my vacation was soooo boring... but it actually went quick. i don't wanna go to school !! it's tooo much stress... i just wanna stay home and enjoy the laziness!! *LOLz* what has everyone been up to eh? anything new? as for me ~ nothing that i can think of that's really important... but anywaise!?! thanks for visiting my page! and of course, don't leave without signing my g'bOok!! everyone comes here to check out my page and they never ever leave me a message!! i wanna know who was here so be sure to sign it. and if you want, you can sign the slambook too... that's if you're really bored. *LOLz* i know i don't have n/e pix in here (well i only have 1) but eventually i'll get 'em up. i had them saved on my comp before but a few months ago they got deleted b'cuz my comp got a virus! yupyup.... well anywaise, i put up alot of graphix and stuff like that to make up for having no pix.. but that's just temporary okae? well i'm gonna letchu go now okae? luv yah! buhbyee!! oOh yea, i added this really kewl *Love Compatibility Meter* to my page! so if yOu wanna check it out, click here!!

    where do you wanna go?

    *all about me*

    *tO my friends*


    *music links*



    *best friends*

    *get in tOuch w/ me*

    *siGn hEre*

    *cYberpets i adOpted*

    *the cliques i'm in*

    *the waLL*