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Welcome to a simple little place I threw together for me to put up some TFC demos, pics, and a few links to some cool sites, well at least I think they're cool. I'm gonna keep it simple, mostly because I don't know anything about html. Hopefully I'll add some stuff as I learn more. We'll just have to wait and see.


Oh, the fun to be had with low gravity and cl_gibcount set at 50. The gibs literally fly from one battlements to the other. Many thanks to [ClansRGay]Nepchewn and (*FR*) DASNIPA for being willing to jump up and get gibbed multiple times for me to get this pic, unfortunatly their pics didn't come out as well as this one. But thanks anyway guys for the help.

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Take a look at my best scores...

Check out my current wrench kill mural.

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Update--08-29-00 A wrenching I shall go.....

Well, the TF 1.5 patch has really helped with my wrenching habit. I've increased my kill count by 111 up to 188 since the last update. I also have completed a full set with the wrench, as in I have killed every class with the good 'ol spanner. Took me a while to finally get the soldier, but it was fun trying. Looking forward to breaking the 200 mark, only need 12 for that so it shouldn't take too long. Well, my brain hurts and I can't think of anything else to put here. Till next time.....


Update--07-18-00 Two months?!?

Wow, two months have gone by since the last update and I barely even realized it, sheesh. Oh well, good excuse at least. The patch with the new netcode is out, so I've been playing a hell of a lot of TFC (TF 1.5 now actually) and generally enjoying the game a bit more. Since the patch has come out, I've managed to triple the number of wrenchings on my wrench kill mural, now standing at 77. Last night was particularly eventful, with me netting 17 wrench kills in just 3 rounds of 2fort. I also managed to kill a new level 1 sentry with the wrench, something which I'm not sure anyone has done before. I know people have beat sentries to death with crowbars before, but that was with faster/stronger classes, but I don't know if anyone has done this with an engineer before. If anyone knows, let me know, I'm the curious sort.


Update--05-16-00 Another day, another wrenching.....

Not a lot going on right now. Mostly waiting for the next patch to come out with the new netcode. Sure hope it lives up to the hype its been getting, god knows I could use the help. Had a decent night last night, nabbing 5 wrench kills, which beats my previous best effort of 3. Three of those kills came from a very fun round on Turkeyburgers, which turns out to be a pretty good map for sneaking up on snipers and wrenching the hell out of them...:) I think I might enjoy that map a little bit more from now on. Its usually ruled by lpb snipers, but they usually get a little bit of tunnel vision on this map for some reason, which makes it a bit easier to sneak up on them, give them a couple quick blasts with the shotgun and a quick whack with the wrench. Just remember to stay out of the open areas and hang around behind the bookcases and in the walls. Climbing around back there is your best chance of getting a few wrench kills. As such, I've decided to put my wrench kill mural on the page. Click on the link above to take a look at it. The current version has me up to 24 wrench kills, with two people feeling the steel on their skulls twice. I'll try to update at least THAT pic once a week, shouldn't be that hard to do, hehe.


Update--04-24-00 My head hurts!

I have a headache as I write this up, so sorry if it hurts you too. As you can see, I've added some stuff to the site, namely the java applet for the logo and the midi tunes on the pages. I've also taken out some of the buttons at the bottom of the page to cut down on loading time. I really don't think I need all of them anymore, and at least one site has gone MIA on me, no point on keeping its link around, besides, its button is one of the bigger hogs. Once again I leave you with me begging you, my dear readers, to PLEASE POST SOMETHING ON MY PATHETICLLY EMPTY MESSAGE BOARD. Me thanks you.


Update--04-05-00 More nit-witty-ness

Yeah, I'm being silly, I just couldn't think of anything else to title this update. If you don't like it, tough, this is MY page, go get your own...:P Been a big couple of weeks for me here. Went job hunting, downloaded Q3F, and joined (AoE). Job hunting was a bit of a bust, so I'm still stuck at the theater. Q3F is pretty decent, but not all that different from TFC all told. I've been playing it and taking some shots and will put them up some other time along with my view of it. (AoE) is the Army of Engies. An engineers guild. So far as I know the only previous TFC engineers guild was only open to UK players, this one is open to all. Go visit them with the link below or click here. Pretty nice bunch and plenty of engineer info for you to learn from. Well, its late and my brain wants entertainment, time to stop editing and get to some playtime.


Update--03-15-00 Just general chit-chat

Well, the Half-Life patch was a wee bit of a dissappointment. Two maps, the death of the dead scout "slugging" bug and the removal of 2 mirvs from the demo and hwguy. That's it. No new netcode and the damn skin bug is still there. Pppbbbttt, oh well, at least the new maps are ok. Crossover is real spammy and laggy, but fun to detpack the hell out of, and Badlands just plain rocks. It's great fun for just about any class, I was even able to cap the flag solo as a pyro. I'm also looking forward to playing Q3Fortress and Team Assault. I keep hearing how the TF physics are so different from TFC's that I'm eager to see that the differences are and playing the games. Although from what I've seen in the various forums, those old-school TF'ers are gonna be REAL dissappointed with TF2. These people are bitching about such minor issues as how 'swimmy' the conc grenade effect is and how holding the conc TFC style isn't "realistic." HELLO!?!?! Since when is grenade jumping realstic anyway? From what I've read about TF2, grenade jumping and rocket jumping are GONE. That's right, no more conc jumping medics or rocket jumping soldiers. Time to use the grey matter a bit more than your twitch skills. Now, they aren't gonna make a ultra realistic game like Coutner-Stike when you die with one shot, but there are redoing the gameplay a good bit so that it's a bit more realistic without sacrificing the fun factor. Well, enough ranting from me for now, time to finish my "weekly" update.


Update--02-08-00 Changes a comin.

I've been experimenting with banners, buttons, and other graphics to add to the site. The new banner above is an example of some of what I'm trying to learn. Got myself a couple more new programs to fiddle with, so maybe I can spruce the site up a bit more. Also, keep an eye out for the afore mention Half-Life patch due out this week. Gotta love them taking away half the MIRV's from the demos and hwguys, they still have plenty of firepower to do what they need and it cuts down on the spam some. Anything that cuts down on spam is a good thing. Too bad they didn't get the new net code ready for this one, I could sure use a good drop in my ping. Nothing makes me more angry than someone pinging around 150 bitching about how bad the lag is and here I am around 450-500 and kicking ass every so often. Oh well, maybe next patch.


Update--01-10-00 At long last.....

Well, after a long while, I finally was able to get an update made. Don't ask me what happened, I don't know for sure myself. I just couldn't change my index file for all the money in the world. For some damn reason, it just started working again. Oh well, Only a few minor changes, added two new links, one to SETI@Home and the other to Encounters with Llamas. I've also added a message board. If I need to explain what that is, then you need more help than I can provide. Hehe. A new pic today as well.


Wanna join RTFM? Then click here! Tell us something about yourself, when you play, a favorite server or two so we can play with you some and find out what kind of player you are (hopefully not a "Player" hehehe). After playing with you for a bit, you may be invited to join us. Our ranks continue to grow, and hopefully we can all help each other to become a better team.

Lakeside Theatres