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Loess Hills Christian School

Deep thought: n. A contemplation of the bizzare or unexplainable.

Usually follows periods of little sleep or great doses of caffeine.

Ex. "I had another deep thought after that third Mt. Dew."

Deep thoughts

1.) Despair is like a cable that is buried just under the surface

of the ground. You pull it up and pull it up, but that cable

just keeps right on going, clear across a field, until you come

to a bunch of guys who are burying the cable. Then just walk up

to them and go "Hey, have you seen Fred?" And they'll say

"Fred who?" And you say "Fred of Snakes?"

Then cover your ears cause big laughs are coming.


2.) If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents

worth, then someone, somewhere is making a penny.


3.) One time I was walking down the street, and I saw an old,

wise man. He told me to go to McDonalds, so I did.

I ordered Value Meal #2. Then the lady working there said,

"Would you like fries with that?", and I said,

"It's a value meal. It comes with fries."


*NOTE* I did not write these. Don't blame me.


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