Kyp's World of CoNfUsIoN
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Kyp's World of CoNfUsIoN

!Register-It! - Promote Your Web Site!

Please go check out the Register-It! Site. If you buy something, I get money!!! hehe!!! So help support me, at least check it out, you can register your homepage free with over 16 search engines!!

A WARNING: My role as Homepage Hero seems never to stop, and my page is always under constant construction. Soooo, if you see anything here you like, TAKE IT!!! and if you see anything here you don't like, TOO BAD!!! The last piece of this warning is this, if you are caught with anything of mine in your possession, the protectors of my world will deal with you accordingly.

The Poll of CoNfUsIoN!!!
Who do you think best protects my

Zargy - - The delightful devil.
Magnus - - The firery dragon.
The Dragonball Z cast.
Yours truly - - Me of course!!
Who cares?? I've been here once and don't plan on coming back!!

Current Results

UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE: 1/29/99 - I've gone around, fixed a few links, worded and reworded some of the texts, added a few links, changed a few pics, nothing extraordinary done today, we'll just call it a touch up job.

Update Update!!!! 1/26/99- I've been pondering taking down the poll, but it will remain up, for now. Anyways, I added some trivia for all you, now make it worth my time... hehehe... I've got four different trivia based thing-a-ma-jigs set up around my site, so grab a pack, strap on those hiking boots, and travel around my world in search of them. I also added some links to the links page and the story origin of my Star Wars Character that I roleplay. (It's linked off of my Star Wars page, I think...) And I got my Board Of CoNfUsIoN!!! up and running. (I think...)

Really NEW!! Ok, so the really NEW!! stuff... The new message board is up and running, yeah, it took me awhile longer than I thought it would, but hey, what's the hurry? Put the origin of Kyp Durron on my Star Wars page, and fixed a few things in an effort to make this place more presentable to you. And I also made this place slighty interactive with the use of Trivia Blitz. Oh yeah, and I rearranged my links to my other pages to make it even more frustrating for ya!!!

Last updated: 1/29/99 at 12:29 p.m. CST


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Hmmmm... where should I begin?? Let me first introduce myself. I am net known as Kyp Durron.
My real name is Taku Takumoreai (hehe). Ok, so that's really not my name, my real name is already known to most of you, if you want it, ask me sometime. My friends may be seen calling me Kyp, The Kypster, or Kypper. And now may I welcome you to my world, a world of growing concern and disorder, a world of... *dun dun dunnnn* CoNfUsIoN!!!! hehe!!! I see you have met my pet Zargy.

Zargy is my website guardian. You will see him around my page, protecting my world and all that lays within. He really is pretty friendly, he just likes to run things and help me spread my CoNfUsIoN!!. He only likes those he knows... hehe. Just watch out, cuz just cuz you may know him, he is alot like me... he gets so confused of who he knows and doesn't know, that he thinks he doesn't know anyone but he actually knows everyone... well, if you've met him of course!! hehe...

Now, where was I?? Oh yes... I must thank you for stopping by, for your visit helps my cause. My cause is to spread confusion everywhere. For you see, everyone that knows me, knows that I am ALWAYS confused, so I figured I would give you all a look into my world, to see how it is to be me. If ya don't believe me, just ask Keyan... no that's wasn't him.. It was Breezy... uhm... maybe it was Anzique... or, wait a minute... it was Nat!!! hehe... I get so confused sometimes!!! Well, just look it up in an atlas, or wait, a dictionary, better yet!! Anywayz, feel free to roam my realm, I hope you get lost!! This is my way of getting back at all who are amused by the confused!!! *evil laugh* MWA HA HA!!

And YEPPERS!!! me says "hehe" ALOT!! (heheŽ is a trademark of the Keyan Corporation. All rights reserved.)

Almost forgot to warn ya peeps, just so you know, if you mess with Zargy, you're gonna have to deal with his new found, and just recently adopted, friend Magnus!!!

This is Magnus, he's a real hot head!! hehe!! He's my dragon that I adopted. He isn't nearly as friendly as Zargy, but he seems to be able to hoard off all evil doers that come here better. Not really sure why though, at first I thought it was cuz he was bigger, but then I discovered it's cuz he's not near as nice as Zargy is when it comes to asking someone to leave!!! hehe!!

Light My Fire by The Doors.

Going to other parts of my world??? Well, TOO BAD!!! I don't have any other parts!!! Well, as long as you don't look farther down the page anyway... hehe!! What are you waiting for?!?!?! GET GOING ALREADY!!!!

Visit my message board: Board of CoNfUsIoN!!!
It's my new message board. Go leave me a message, pweety pweeeese??

Picture room.

About me.

Links to other places.

Star Wars, In a Galaxy far, far away...

Sounds from movies, TV, and other neato stuff.

Go here to fill out the form and see confusing stories.

My friends.

The Protectors Page.

Sign the thing!!!

Guestbook by Lpage

View the Book of Kyp!!

You are the -

- person to help my cause of spreading CoNfUsIoN!!!

FEELIN' LUCKY, PUNK?? hehe!! Roll the dice for a random link or add your site to the random link database.
