"The Collen House"

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Today is:

Welcome to the Collen family web site.
We have some new pictures to share with you.

This is our home in the country.

Last Christmas our youngest daughter set up
her camera and took some pictures of the family.
Here we are, Kevin and Colette.

All five kids were home.


April and her friend with their families

April's daughter and son

Mysti and Al

Al and Mysti's daughter and son

Adam and his friend

Nicole and William Funk married October 3, 2015

In September we made a trip up to see Mom & Torger.

All of us kids were there to celebrate
their 35th anniversary that is coming up in November.
They rented a pontoon for a day. But, the weather
didn't cooperate very well. It was cold and very windy.
But it was fun that we were all together.
After everyone was on board Mom said
"does anyone need to make a potty run?"
Of course!

Time to get settled in and enjoy the ride.

It's really a nice pontoon.

Kevin is all bundled up.

The wind was a bit chilly on the ears.

This is Star Island out on Cass Lake.

Everyone got to see the Lake on this island, even Colette.

The name of the Lake is Windigo.
Even though it was cloudy, cold and windy it was worth it!

Mom and Torger treated all of us to a nice warm supper.

I guess that's it for now. Be sure to check out the rest of the family pages.

Some of Our Favorite Links

Try Torger & Mom's Page

Go to Lee & Heather's Homepage

Go to brother Samuel's Homepage

Go to sister Carrie's Homepage

