824 North Gay Street

Auburn, AL 36830


E-mail: aukelley@aol.com / aukelley85@yahoo.com


Phone: (334) 750-2388




Doctor of Education, Auburn University, Alabama (1985)


Master of Science in Counseling and Human Development, Troy State University at Montgomery, Alabama (1982)


Bachelor of Science in Social Sciences, Troy State University at Montgomery, Alabama (1977) Summa Cum Laude







Director of Institutional Research, North Carolina Wesleyan College, 3400 N Wesleyan Boulevard, Rocky Mount, NC 27804


Coordinate institutional research and departmental planning and assessment activities.





Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Research, Talladega College, 627 West Battle Street, Talladega, AL 35160


Coordinated institutional research and departmental planning and assessment activities.


Institutional Committees


Academic Council, General Education Advisory Committee, Strategic Planning Committee


Faculty/Staff Development


Conducted workshops for faculty on assessment of student learning outcomes.




Taught undergraduate courses in Secondary Teacher Education.





Private Consultant, 824 N Gay Street, Auburn, AL 36830


Provided consulting services on educational planning, assessment and accreditation issues.


Professional Boards


National Advisory Council, College of Education, Auburn University (2002-2006)


Faculty/Staff Development


Conducted over 220 workshops and in-service activities on educational planning and assessment in more than 30 states, Mexico and Puerto Rico.





Executive Director of University Planning and Analysis, University of Louisiana at Monroe, 700 University Avenue, Monroe, LA 71209


Coordinated institutional research, assessment, and strategic planning activities.  Supervised one secretary and three student workers.


Coordinated production of the institutional fact book and completion of reports for faculty, the institution, state and federal agencies, the regional accrediting association, and various public and private organizations.


Utilized SPSS software to perform statistical procedures and develop reports of survey findings.  Utilized various database, spreadsheet, and on-line computer programs to complete projects for the University, Board of Supervisors, Board of Regents, and Office of Planning and Budget.


Served as the University’s SACS Accreditation Liaison Officer.


Served as the institutional contact and campus coordinator for state-mandated activities.  These included development of strategic and operational plans and performance accountability reports, and administration of student satisfaction surveys.


Developed and implemented a comprehensive process to assess institutional effectiveness at the department level and to integrate departmental assessment and planning with the University’s strategic plan and budget.


Developed and implemented a course embedded/general education assessment process at the University of Louisiana at Monroe.  Implemented a pilot study to test locally developed general education assessment rubrics in fall 2001.


Directed the institutional self-study for reaffirmation of accreditation from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS).  Developed recommendations and suggestions for Section III, Institutional Effectiveness, and follow-up plans to address them.


Developed and implemented an international support group of over 300 assessment, institutional research and planning professionals, the Consortium for Assessment and Planning Support (CAPS).  My office received a commendation from SACS for establishing this organization.


Institutional Committees


Administrative Council, Institutional Effectiveness Committee (Chair), Committee for Strategic Planning (Chair), Assessment Planning Committee for Academics (Chair), University Calendar Committee (Chair), Freshman Year Experience Task Force, Early Alert/College Survival Skills Task Force,  SACS Self-Study Steering Committee (Director of Self-Study in 1998-99), and President’s Cabinet (1998-2001)


Professional Affiliations


Consortium for Assessment and Planning Support (Executive Director), Association for Institutional Research, Southern Association for Institutional Research, and American Association for Higher Education


Offices Held in Professional Associations


Consortium for Assessment and Planning Support - Program Chair for the National Conference (1999), President (1999-2000), Treasurer (2000), and Special Advisor to the Executive Board (2001-02)


Professional Boards


National Advisory Council, College of Education, Auburn University (1999-2002)


Faculty/Staff Development


Conducted workshops for faculty, academic chairs, and non-academic department heads and staff in the development of assessment plans, departmental self-studies, and short/long-range plans and resource requests.




Presented a lecture on educational opportunities in the United States to graduate students at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Beijing, China.





Director of Institutional Effectiveness, University of West Alabama, Highway 11, Livingston, AL 35470.


Coordinated institutional research, assessment, and departmental planning activities.  Supervised one secretary, and two student workers.


Worked with academic and non-academic departments to develop assessment plans, departmental self-studies, short and long-range plans for improvement, and academic and non-academic program reviews.


Served as campus liaison for the implementation of legislation mandating academic program viability.  Kept academic deans informed of the viability status of their programs.  Worked with all academic departments to develop strategies to achieve viability, to develop alternate program options, and/or to phase out non-viable programs.


Coordinated the course evaluation process and survey research activities, including graduate follow-up, student and faculty satisfaction, and academic advising surveys.


Served as campus liaison for the implementation of legislation mandating development of faculty and student databases.


Utilized databases to assess the effectiveness of developmental coursework in English and mathematics and to determine retention differences between students that were admitted with conditions and those that were unconditionally admitted.


Produced the institutional fact book and coordinated completion of reports for the institution, state and federal agencies, the regional accrediting association, and various public and private organizations.


Conducted facilities and space utilization studies.


Assisted faculty and academic staff in grant seeking and proposal writing activities.


Utilized SPSS software to perform statistical procedures and to develop reports of research and assessment findings.


Institutional Committees


Dean’s Council, Institutional Effectiveness Council, Strategic Planning Council, Institutional Research Committee (Chair), Technology Committee, Insurance Committee, and Quarter/Semester Conversion Committee


Professional Affiliations


Association for Institutional Research


Faculty/Staff Development


Conducted workshops for academic deans and department chairs in the use of assessment results and short/long-range plans to establish budget priorities and to institute program improvements.


Graduate Faculty Appointment


Received a temporary assignment as a graduate faculty member at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa and served as an adjunct professor (statistics specialist) on a dissertation committee for a Ph.D. candidate in Secondary English Education.





Director of Institutional Research and Assessment, Virginia Wesleyan College, 1584 Wesleyan Drive, Norfolk, VA 23502.


Established the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment.  Coordinated institutional research and assessment activities.  Supervised one secretary.


Produced the institutional fact book and coordinated completion of reports for the institution, state and federal agencies, the regional accrediting association, and various public and private organizations.


Implemented the annual program review process and coordinated academic and non-academic program reviews.


Coordinated a qualitative assessment of the campus culture by an external team of faculty and student services professionals.


Implemented and conducted an extensive program of survey research activities including follow-up surveys of graduates, non-returning students, and prospects that were accepted for admission but did not enroll.  Also conducted faculty, staff and student satisfaction surveys; client/user evaluations of academic advising, freshman seminar, and student services; and surveys to support institutional self-study activities for SACS reaffirmation.


Developed and maintained databases for a variety of student cohorts to assess academic performance and persistence.


Utilized SPSS/PC+ and other software programs to perform statistical procedures and develop reports of research and assessment findings.


Institutional Committees


Long Range Planning Committee, Retention Committee/Enrollment Management Commission, Marketing Coordinating Committee, and Self-Study Committee on Institutional Effectiveness


Professional Affiliations


Association for Institutional Research, American Association for Higher Education, Virginia Assessment Group, Virginia Association for Management Analysis and Planning, American Association of University Administrators, and Society for College and University Planning.


Offices Held in Professional Associations


Virginia Association for Management Analysis and Planning – Constituent Representative for Private College Institutional Researchers (1993-94), Program Chair for the Fall Conference (1994), and President (1994-95)




Conducted undergraduate classes on survey research and development and use of statistical software and provided statistical support to students working on research projects in other courses.


Student Advising


College Republicans

Kappa Alpha Order





Senior Research Analyst, Johnson County Community College, 12345 College at Quivira, Overland Park, KS 66210.


Provided technical assistance to faculty and staff in research design, survey methods, and statistical analysis.


Utilized SPSS-X mainframe software to perform statistical procedures for various research and assessment projects.


Designed, coordinated, and evaluated classroom research projects; coordinated the annual program review and course evaluation processes; and conducted the annual transfer follow-up study.


Designed and coordinated a series of major research projects which assessed student outcomes in developmental reading, writing, and mathematics courses.


Coordinated evaluation of college counselors and career planning and placement advisors, student services, auxiliary services, the library, open laboratories, instructional resource centers, continuing professional education, and television instruction.


Performed statistical procedures for a national survey of community college programs and services for older adults cosponsored by the League for Innovation in the Community College and the American Association for Retired Persons.


Performed duties of the Director of Research, Evaluation, and Instructional Development while he was on a six-month sabbatical leave.  Supervised on market research analyst, one report coordinator, one secretary, and two data entry clerks.


Institutional Committees


Faculty Evaluation Task Force, Cognitive Outcomes Assessment Task Force, College Research Committee, Educational Affairs Committee, Data Processing Steering Committee, Developmental Assessment Committee, and Task Force to Assess Microcomputer Training Needs


Professional Affiliations


Association for Institutional Research, American Association for Higher Education, National Council for Research and Planning, and Mid-America Association for Institutional Research


Faculty/Staff Development


Conducted workshops for faculty and staff on administration of the course evaluation questionnaire and proper use of the results, and on development of academic and non-academic program reviews.





Director of Institutional Research, Alabama Aviation and Technical College, P. O. Box 1209, Ozark, AL 36361.


Established the Office of Institutional Research and coordinated institutional research activities.  Supervised one secretary/data entry clerk.


Directed the management information system and coordinated automation of key clerical functions.  Provided training in the use of computer software programs.


Utilized SPSS/PC+ software to perform statistical procedures for various institutional research and assessment projects and to produce the institutional fact book.


Coordinated graduate follow‑up activities.  These activities were instrumental in the establishment of an active alumni association.  Investigated graduate placement opportunities nationwide and assisted graduates in securing employment.


Provided research support for enrollment management and strategic planning activities and for the development of grant proposals.


Assisted the Dean of Instruction with the streamlining of registration and orientation procedures.


Conducted a detailed situation analysis of the college’s service area and participated in the development of marketing plans for all campus sites.


Assisted the Dean of Instruction with curriculum development projects including extensive scheduling work with the Flight Technology, Automotive Technology, and

General Aviation Technology programs in order to maximize FTE and to satisfy state reporting requirements.


Conducted an airline industry training needs survey of 33 aircraft maintenance facilities in 15 states.  Findings contributed to major changes in the Aircraft Maintenance Technology curriculum.  Companies surveyed included Continental Airlines Maintenance, Bendix, Combs-Gates, Grumman, Piedmont Airlines, Lockheed, Petroleum Helicopters, Hangar One, Atlantic Southeast Airlines, Pratt Whitney, Boeing Aircraft Modification, United Airlines Maintenance, Flight Safety Training Center, Piper Aircraft Training Center, McDonnell Douglas Aircraft Training Center, and Garrett Airline Services Training Center.


Institutional Committees


MIS Implementation Committee, Job Fair/Alumni Reunion Committee, Registration/Orientation Committee, Marketing/Public Relations Committee, Graduate Follow‑up Task Force, and Institutional Planning Team


Professional Affiliations


Association for Institutional Research, Southeastern Association for Community College Research, Southern Association for Institutional Research, Society of Research Administrators, National Council for Marketing and Public Relations, Association for Avionics Education, and University Aviation Association





Director of Information Systems, Planning and Research, Nunnelley State Technical College (now Central Alabama Community College), P. O. Box 389, Childersburg, AL 35044.


Established the Office of Information Systems, Planning and Research, and coordinated institutional research activities.  Supervised one secretary.


Directed the management information system.  Supervised one data entry clerk and one programmer.


Produced the institutional fact book.


Directed evening instructional programs and coordinated community service classes, seminars for local businesses and professional associations, and training for industry programs.  Supervised 14 technical instructors, four academic instructors, several instructors in community service and training for industry programs, one secretary, and four work-study students.


Helped develop institutional marketing, recruitment and retention plans.


Developed grant proposals.


Assisted the Dean of Instruction with curriculum development projects including the development of course driven schedules and the addition of academic courses to the evening technical curriculum.


Helped establish a job placement office.


Institutional Committees


Administrative Council, Title III Advisory Board, Retention Committee, Long Range Planning Committee, Institutional Marketing Team, Fair Labor Standards Act Committee, and New Program Development Committee





Graduate Teaching Assistant for Dr. James Selman, Department of Vocational and Adult Education, Auburn University, AL 36849.


Provided research support for departmental projects and performed statistical procedures utilizing SPSS‑X mainframe software.


Developed materials and prepared facilities for in‑service training programs for secondary and post‑secondary vocational education instructors.


Videotaped the classroom presentations of secondary and post-secondary vocational education instructors and evaluated their teaching techniques.


Provided assistance to other graduate students in the use of the computer to perform statistical procedures (SPSS and SPSS-X packages) and to perform literature searches of the ERIC system.





Independent Graduate Work under Dr. Russell Wilson, Department of Vocational and Adult Education, Auburn University, AL 36849.


Completed an internship, a practicum, and independent studies in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.





Graduate Research Assistant for Dr. Richard Baker, Department of Vocational and Adult Education, Auburn University, AL 36849.


Provided research support for departmental projects.


Developed materials and prepared facilities for in‑service training programs for secondary and post‑secondary vocational education instructors and counselors.


Assisted departmental faculty with the development of programmed learning units and classroom presentation materials.



Prior to 1982


After graduation from high school in 1967, my major work experience included four years as a Radioman in the U. S. Navy, three years in various clerical positions with South Central Bell Telephone Company, and 18 months as a claims adjustor for Kemper Insurance.