Annual Assessment Plan

Administrative Departments & Educational Support Services


Department:   Library             Academic Year: 2008-2009


Completed by:  Jim Morris                Date: October 29, 2008


1.  Mission Statement:   The Mission of the Library is to support the educational and enrichment goals of the College, through a well-organized collection of print and non-print materials, providing instruction and access to information that is not bound by time or place.








Intended Outcomes


Assessment Measures


Performance Criteria/Expected Results

Related Strategic Plan Goal

Evaluation and Planned Actions

Use of Results

(Close the Loop)

Increase use of online resources and print resources by on campus students.

Circulation statistics;

Online database use statistics

5% increased circulation and database use



Circulation and database access did increase by more than 5%...continue to review for future trends.

Maintain collection policies that are resulting in an increase in circulation and use of the databases.

Students will demonstrate competency in information literacy.

Student performance on information literacy testing instruments

90% successful completion of information literacy instruments



DL students as well as on campus students had better than a 95% successful completion of the info. Lit. instruments.

Continue to refine and streamline the instruments, which are working but could be broadened in scope. 
Develop a pre and post test to verify usefulness of the instruments.

Increase awareness of online resources by distance learners (previous surveys show many DL faculty and students do not know the extent of our online resources).

Off campus database use statistics

10% reported increase of database use at centers; 5% increased use statistics for databases




Continue to monitor access from off campus through LINCC reports.

Maintain efforts to inform DL students re the value of online resources.

Increase use of online resources by distance learners.

Rates of online completion of information literacy and orientation activities

_90%___successful completion of information literacy and orientation activities



DL Students as well as on campus had a 95% plus successful completion rate of the orientation and info lit activities.

Streamline the process for completing the orientation as a DL student, online, to further improve performance and information literacy among DL students.

DL faculty will report that their students are using online resources effectively.

DL faculty survey

At least _70___% of DL faculty will indicate that their students are using resources effectively.


Follow up was difficult due to the loss early in Fall of our reference librarian…who was not replaced until Spring term.  Followup deferred until 09-10.

Follow up and closing the loop in 09-10,

NOTE: assessment should focus on effectiveness, efficiency, constituent satisfaction, or impact on functions, services, processes or student learning.