Annual Report on Program Status

Program:  PMT 0123 Welding 1


Academic Year: 2008-2009Completed by: Carl D. Romano             Date: 12-17-08










Intended Outcomes

(Program Outcomes/Goals)

Student Learning Outcomes

(Core Skills and Objectives)


Assessment Measures


Performance Criteria/Expected Results

Evaluation & Planned Actions

Use of Results

(Close the Loop)

Apply basic safety skills for oxyfuel equipment.

1. Student will identify and use the correct personal safety skills required for Oxyfuel equipment.




85% of students will satisfactorily complete the oxyfuel safety components of the exam.

TBA in 2009

TBA in 2009

Apply basic oxyfuel gas cutting principles and practices.

2. Student will perform external inspections of equipment and accessories and make minor repairs to equipment and accessories.





3. Student will set up manual OFC operations for plain carbon steel, operate manual oxyfuel cutting equipment, and perform straight cutting operations using manual oxyfuel cutting process on plain carbon steel to within 1/8” + or -


Perform all inspections of equipment using check off sheet.  Any student repairs to equipment shall be checked by the teacher.


Cut steel will be checked by the teacher for size must be within 1/8” +or-

85% of students will earn a satisfactory rating on this.






80% of students will earn a satisfactory rating on this.

TBA in 2009

TBA in 2009

Apply basic shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) skills

4.  Student will perform external inspections of SMAW equipment and accessories and make minor repairs to SMAW equipment and accessories   



5. Student will set up shielded metal arc welding operations on plain carbon steel, operate shielded metal arc welding equipment, and make fillet welds in all positions on plain carbon steel.



Use check off sheet for inspection of SMAW equipment.  Any repairs to SMAW equipment needs to be checked by the teacher.


Practical welding test in lab evaluated by instructor visual inspection.

85% of students will earn a satisfactory rating on this.





80% of students will earn a satisfactory rating on this.



TBA in 2009

TBA in 2009