Annual Report on Program Status

Program:  HVAC


Academic Year:2008-2009     Completed by: Carl D Romano           Date: 12-18-09










Intended Outcomes

(Program Outcomes/Goals)

Student Learning Outcomes

(Core Skills and Objectives)


Assessment Measures


Performance Criteria/Expected Results

Evaluation & Planned Actions

Use of Results

(Close the Loop)

Demonstrate Practical knowledge of   basic electrical components of heating, air-conditioning, and refrigeration.

Students will use electrical boards in the lab to solve problems in motor circuits and electrical components.

Visual inspection of circuit board by the teacher

__80__% of students will complete the final project with _85___%accuracy.

Performance Criteria was met. No actions will be taken.


Demonstrate a practical knowledge of solid-state electronics as used in HVAC systems


Students will lay out solid state components using teachers hand out

Visual inspection of solid state layout on electrical boards in lab by teacher

85% of students will complete this project with 80% accuracy

Performance Criteria was met. No actions will be taken.


Utilize and operate mechanical testing equipment

Using testing equipment and teachers handout students  will test different components of HVAC systems and correct anything wrong on the system

Teacher inspection of work complete by students on the problem

80% of students will complete this project with 85% accuracy

Performance Criteria was met. No action will be taken.


Use a pressure enthalpy chart to diagram refrigerant cycles

Using enthalpy chart diagram refrigerant cycles for a 4 ton AC unit


Teacher grades chart results and diagram

88% of students will complete this, with 80% accuracy

Performance Criteria was met. No action will be taken.


Common Assessment Terms




Other Terms for Same Concept


The systematic collection , review and analysis of data to be used to evaluate achievement

Analysis, Evaluation, Measurement

Mission Statement

Statements that define the primary function of the program, why you do it and who you do it for.

*Major Concept

Purpose, Goal, Objective

*Intended Outcomes

Broad statements that describe the career and professional accomplishments that the program is preparing graduates to achieve.

Goals, Objectives,

 Program Outcomes,

Educational Objectives

Student Learning Outcomes

Statements that describe the knowledge, skills and abilities students are expected to know and be able to demonstrate by graduation.

*Core Skills and Objectives, Performance Standards, Objectives, Competencies

Assessment Measures

Specific, measurable, statements identifying the ongoing activities that will produce the data or documentation to be evaluated

Assessment Methods,

Performance Standards,


Performance Criteria

Statements that describe the level of achievement that indicates mastery of the student learning outcomes.

Standards, Benchmarks, Success  Expected Results, measures


The end result of the data or documentation collected from the assessment measures.

Evaluations, Outcomes, Findings


Process of reviewing the results of data collection and analysis and determining the actions to be taken

Analysis, Assessment

Use of Results

The process of implementing planned actions from evaluation of assessment data to make improvements

Closing the Loop


*Terms for same concepts on Frameworks