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Abrams Hamilton obituaries and newspaper items

Miscellaneous Abrams Material

Hedrick Journal, Wednesday, July 4, 1900

Andrew Abrams Dead

Andrew Abrams, one of the oldest citizens of this vicinity, died Monday at the home of his son, Henry Abrams, west of town. He had reached the age of 85 years, two months and nine days. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon at two o'clock at the residence, conducted by Rev. J.N. Smith, the interment being in the Brooks cemetery.

Mr. Abrams was born April 23, 1815, in Licking county, Ohio. He was married to Mary A. Harter in 1838. To them were born seven children, all of whom are yet living but one son and daughter. He was a loving parent and kind neighbor, and his life was a happy one until his copanion was called away in 1883. Mr. Abrams and his two daughters resided together until he was again married, in 1888, to Mrs. Sarah Olen.

Mr. Abrams was always cheerful, bearing his trials and sufferings with Christian patience. He was resigned to the will of the father, and expressed a willingness to depart this life and be with his Savior.

Another pioneer and good citizen has passed from among the living.

Ottumwa Courier, Wednesday, April 29, 1925, p. 7
Henry Kelso Abrams, son of Andrew and Mary Ann Abrams, was born December 8, 1845 near Glasgow, in Jefferson County. When he was 8 years old his family moved to Keokuk County locating two and a half miles west of hedrick, where he lived until 1914 when he moved to Hedrick, where he lived until his death. Mr Abrams was married November 30, 1871 to Hannah Jeannette Hamilton.
Survived by : his devoted wife, six daughters, Mrs Eva Bartley of Ottumwa, Mrs. Molly Hankhammer, Mrs Daisy Scott, Mrs. Eunice Hild and Mrs. Leota Wilson, all of Hedrick; and Mrs Nelly Hild of Linby; one brother Miles of Hedrick, and a sister Mrs. Malinda Leap of Utica, South Dakota. He had one son, Milo who died at age of 5 years. He also leaves 12 grand children and 1 great grandchild.
Mr. Abrams was early converted to Christ and led a consistent Christian life. He was loved by all who knew him and he will be greatly missed in his home and community. Mr. Abrams died April 22 at 2:30 P.M. internment 4-24-25.

Ottumwa Courier, April 23, 1925, p 17
Mrs. Eva Bartley and daughter Opal and son James of Ottumwa were called here Sunday by the serious illness of Mrs. Bartley's father, Henry Abrams. Henry Abrams suffered a stroke of paralysis Sunday morning and is in serious condition.
Mr & Mrs. H.N. Hamilton of Fremont, and Mrs. Jessie McCreery of Oskaloosa were called here Monday by the serious illness of their brother in law, Henry Abrams.

Ottumwa Courier, April 25, 1925, p17
Henry Abrams of Hedrick suffered a stroke of paralysis at his home Sunday and died Wednesday afternoon at 12:30, aged 79 years and 5 months. He was a brother in law to H.N. Hamilton of Fremont.

Ottumwa Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1925, p12
Those from out of town attending the funeral of Miles Abrams. Arthur Abrams, Brookfield, Mo; George Abrams , Licking, Mo; Harley Abrams, Carroll; John , Oskaloosa; James, Delta; Harry, Holcomb, Wisconsin; John Lansperger, Hiteman; Mrs. Reta Babcock , Mr & Mrs. Cain Scott; T.N. Hamilton Fremont; H.N. Hamilton, Fremont; ,Mrs. Henry Hild, Linby.

Wednesday, February 5, 1908, Hedrick Journal
Mr and Mrs. Miles Abrams and Mrs. Robert White of Macon, Missouri, and Mrs. D.B. Davis of Chariton attended the funeral of Sarah Hamilton.
Mrs. Sarah Hamilton of Young St passed away last Thursday. She was born August 7, 1832 in Muskingum County, Ohio Her maiden name was Shuck. Her and her husband came from Ohio in 1861. Lived on a farm west of town until 1895 when they moved to Hedrick.
8 children all who live except J.F. Hamilton of Mystic, Iowa who died 7-13-1906.
All present at funeral except Jane Abrams of Spokane, Washington.

Hedrick Journal Wed October 7, 1925
Miles Abrams was born near Newark, Ohio 7-11-1843 died Sunday September 27, 1925.
More than 30 years ago he was converted to Christ by the Rev. Hiram Heckler in the school house revivals. Funeral Tuesday afternoon. T.C. Kennedy of M.E. Church officiating. Funeral at his home.
Songs: Fade,Fade Each Earthly Joy; Jesus Lover of My Soul

Hedrick Journal, Wed. July 20, 1932
Mrs. Miles Abrams died last Wednesday; born 12-10-1853 Muskingum County Ohio; came to Iowa in 1861; united with Holiness Church as a child;
survived by five sisters and 2 brothers. Funeral services were held Saturday at the Baptist Church.

Hedrick Journal December 17, 1941
Hannah Abrams was buried Monday. Sisters: Jane Abrams of Spokane, Washington , and Mrs. Robert White of Macon, Missouri.

Hedrick Journal, December 19, 1900
Arthur, Lewis, Harley, and George Abrams arrived Thursday from Canton, Mississippi having driven through with a four mule team. They were 45 days on the road, but the trip was a very pleasant one, as the boys were well equipped for hunting or camping.

Ottumwa Courier, Monday, December 15, 1941
Hedrick Pioneer Dies. {picture included) Mrs. Hannah J. Abrams, 86 widow of Henry Abrams and a Hedrick resident for 77 years, was found dead in bed at her home by Mr. And Mrs. A.L. Scott about 2:30 Saturday......... She apparently suffered a heart attack while she slept.
Survived by six daughters: Mrs. E.L. Bartley of Ottumwa, Mrs. William Hankhammer, Mrs. A.L. Scott, Mrs. Eunice Hild (all of Hedrick); Mrs. Henry Hild of Mt. Pleasant, Mrs. Henry Wilson of Fairfield, 1 brother and 3 sisters survive her.
Internment December 15, 1941

Ottumwa Courier, Friday, October 31, 1941
Harvey Newton Hamilton, 79 a retired merchant, died at 12:30 A.M. today at his home in Fremont, Iowa...... Lived in Fremont 49 years, in business here 27 years wife: Hattie son: Cole daughter: Mrs. A.J. Jones