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Jen's Wonderland

At the Beach with Kuro

View More Great Pictures
Northop Grumman - My 1st Job in SV new!
Ron and Zaya's Happy Day
Winni and Family
Janice and Family Meet the President of the US!
Christmas at the Liu's
Thanksgiving at the Yu's
Girl's Day Out
My Birthday Party
At the Beach With the Dogs
Karen & Jim's Wedding
Rick and Don's Birthday Party
Rafting on the American River 8/98
Meet My Family
Fletcher the Cat

Favorite Web Sites
Monterey Roses
123 Flowers
Monterey Gardens
Brother Roger's page
Sister Emily's Page
Cousin Elisa's Page
TURN -Roy's Band

My Favorite Books on Tapes

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This page began on August 14, 1999
Last updated August 9, 2000
Created by Jenny Yu