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WEST End: Stop sign/T intersection, IA 14, Marshall County

Facing west on 96

Old maps appear to indicate that when 96 was originally extended to 14, the intersection was a mile south of here.

LGS in above picture

Facing south on 14

Although 96 goes through Gladbrook - really, skirts the south side - there are no mileage signs leaving town, no "14 10" or "63 7/Traer 14". As far as I know, 96 and 330 are the only highways that go through towns (Gladbrook and Albion) without any leaving-town LGSs in either direction.

Facing south on 14

The 96 sign is on the yellow arrow in the top two pictures.

Facing north on 14

Facing north on 14

*Inaugural Highway End*

EAST End: T intersection, US 63, Tama County

Facing east on 96

LGS in above photo

Facing west, but heading south, on 63

Facing west, but heading south, on 63

Final 63 signs westbound

Facing north on 63

Facing north on 63

Facing north on 63

Rural street sign at intersection

*Inaugural Highway End*

*Original Number, Original End*

All pictures by me: First and seventh, 9/7/04; second-sixth, 7/15/07; eighth, ninth, and thirteenth-sixteenth, 7/3/05; tenth-twelfth, 7/5/05

Page created 11/24/01; last updated 10/1/07

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