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(To see old south end of 151, scroll down to south end of Bus. 151/922)

NORTH End of Bus. 151: Stoplight (was 4-way stop), US 151 and IA 13, Marion, Linn County

The history of this intersection can be seen in these four maps. Clockwise from 9 o'clock:

Facing east, but heading north, on Business 151 (pre-stoplight)

Photos by Jason Hancock

Prior to the stoplight, this intersection was one of the more devious four-way stops out there because of the eight lanes of traffic (plus a few mini-exits). The light really should have been put up ten years earlier, when 151 in the area was being upgraded to four lanes. Jason says all diagonal arrows, like those in the above pictures, are gone now. A Wal-Mart opened on the vacant lot seen in the left picture in January 2006.

Facing east, city-erected LGS

Photo by Jason Hancock

While the LGS in the background of the first photo remained from DOT days, Marion put up a new one later.

Facing east, but heading north, on Business 151

Photo by Jason Hancock

This is the current version of the second photo.

Facing south on 13, before/after stoplight

Photos by Jason Hancock

Facing west, but heading south, on 151

Facing west, but heading south, on 151 (November 2003)

Facing west, but heading south, on 151 (October 2005)

Photo by Jason Hancock

Facing north on 151/13 (November 2003)

Facing north on 151/13 (July 2005)

Photo by Jason Hancock

Lights were strung up while construction in the area progressed.

Photo by Jason Hancock

Facing north on 151/13 (October 2005)

Conspicuous by its absence, the LGS seen four pictures up has disappeared - and, by September 2006, had been replaced with a mileage sign in the Clearview font.

Facing north on 151/13

Photo by Jason Hancock

Closeup of the intersection

Photo by Jason Hancock

This enlargement shows how the left-turn lanes angle away from the thru lanes.

NORTH End of 922: Stoplight, IA 100/Collins Road, Cedar Rapids/Marion, Linn County

Facing north on Business 151

Photo by Jason Hancock

The intersection of Collins Road and 1st Avenue is near the line dividing Cedar Rapids and Marion. Between 1969 and 1984 it was the end of IA 150 at US 151, between 1984 and 1989 it was the end of IA 100 at 151, between 1989 and 1996 the end of 100 at Business 151, and since 1996 it has been just the intersection of 100 and Business 151. However, it is still an end of something, as the segment of Business 151 through Cedar Rapids is secret 922, and the part north of here through Marion is not state-maintained.

Facing north on Business 151

Facing south on Business 151

Facing east on 100

This was the eastern end of 100 between 1984 (when it was commissioned) and 1996. Before that, it was the south end of 150 before it was rerouted to Vinton. Highway 100 was commissioned August 14, 1984, the same day IA 101 was decommissioned and IA 150 rerouted.

Facing west on 100

SOUTH End of both: Interchange, US 30/151/218, Cedar Rapids, Linn County

Facing southwest, but heading south, on Business 151

All three shields are correct at this intersection, unlike the old north end of IA 965.

Facing southwest, but heading south, on Business 151

East of this intersection is Iowa's most famous wrong-way multiplex: 151 and 218 are going two separate directions. While the direction is generally southeast east of here, you are going south on 218 and north on 151, a consequence of the rerouting of 151 around the east and south sides of Cedar Rapids. Prior to 1985, the leftmost 151 shield would be a 149 shield, the middle 151 set wouldn't exist, and the right one would be "End 151".

Facing southwest, but heading south, on Business 151

The bottom two towns under the "End Fog Detour" sign are Mount Vernon and Tama. The fog detour is for when unfavorable winds reduce visibility as the freeway goes through an industrial area. (And even when the winds are favorable, as you pass the General Mills plant on Edgewood Road you can encounter a smell vaguely like burnt Cheerios.)

Facing northeast, but heading north, on 151

Photo by Jason Hancock

Facing northeast, but heading north, on 151

Facing northeast, but heading north, on 151

This assembly omits eastbound 30, which is also a right turn.

Photo by Jason Hancock

Facing northeast, but heading north, on 151

The assembly after the previous one, which is actually on the north side of the ramp it's pointing to, doesn't omit eastbound 30.

Facing west on 30, but heading south on 151, but heading north on 218

Photo by Jason Hancock

Smaller than normal type for the "South" and "Business" tags. Also, the squat US highway shield is on a lot of BGSs in the Cedar Rapids area, most notably at the I-380 interchange with these three highways.

Pictures by Jason Hancock: First and 28th, March 2002; third, fourth, sixth, tenth, 14th, and 16th, 10/21/05; 13th, 7/2/05; 15th, 6/17/07; 17th, January 2002; 25th and 27th, May 2002

Pictures by me: Seventh-ninth, 11th, 12th, and 22nd-24th, 11/28/03; 18th-21st, 7/16/06; 26th and 28th, 4/18/06

Page created 4/27/02; last updated 9/24/07

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