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(1942-July 1, 2003)

WEST End: Lake MacBride State Park, Johnson County

Facing west on 382

Photo by Jason Hancock

Highway 382 is one of those routes whose sole purpose was to provide access to a state park. Once the park is reached, the road just...ends. Highways 79, 340, 410, and 428 are other examples of pre-decommissioning eastern Iowa highways like this, but of those only 410 (like 382) did not continue as a county road

EAST End: Stop sign, IA 1/Market St., Solon, Johnson County

Facing east on 382

Photo by Jason Hancock

Good news: This was one of Jason's first pictures taken specifically for this site. Bad news: This was the only picture with a 382 shield taken before the Second Great Decommissioning. The bracket has been removed and "Jct 1" remains. Attempts to get a good shot of this area in 2004 were foiled four times in three minutes by pedestrian and vehicular traffic.

According to a Feb. 16, 2004 article in the Iowa City Press-Citizen, Solon is embracing its ownership of what used to be 382 and wants to improve it. "We want to make Main Street [former 382] pedestrian friendly," said city adminstrator Tracey Mulcahey.

Facing northeast

At left is the double arrow for 382. At right is the leftover signage for northbound 1.

Facing north on 1

This picture is smaller to conserve space and quality. Degrading JPEG quality generally works well except for blues and greens. (Naturally, many of the pictures on this site deal heavily in blues and greens.)

Gas prices that day were $1.689/$1.709/$1.859. Thirty-five days later, they ran about 17 cents higher, with premium flirting with and in some places blowing through the $2 mark. Yikes.

Facing south on 1

Last seen: 2003

Pictures by Jason Hancock: First, January 2002; second, 12/8/01

Pictures by me: Third-fifth, 4/10/04

Page created 12/18/01; last updated 5/15/04

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