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Katherine's Place

Hi there. Thank you for comming to my NEW sight. Isn't it snazzy? okay, i know there is more that needs to be done in order for it to equal my last few attempts of web page making. I'm currently a freshman at Indiana University- Bloomington, majoring in sociology and anthropology. I want to run a museum. I've heard that it will be boring fom some, exciting from others. I've just wanted to do it since i was little.

Well what else is there about me??? hmm, not much. i think you've managed to find one of the dullest people on Earth. some people say i'm crazy and funny, but i just don't see it. I'm plain old Katherine. Actualy i guess i'm not that dull. I do have some what of a life. I enjoy helping people. actualy i think i could see spending my life helping people, although I'm not sure what i would do as a career. right now i'm seem to be way to concerned with what i'll be doing in four years. I should really be concerned with thing like "why does my dorm room have so much dust despite how many times i dust?" and "what should I do today?"

My Favorite Web Sites

Iu, my alma mater (well in 3 and a half years)
check out my lit class
My buddy Emily's home page
