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Kellinan Reach, Bright Star Cluster: An Overveiw



Written by Rosemary Kent, Colonial Liaison to the Region.

It is often the prejudice of we the Federation to look at a region's history beginning from the moment of our discovering it until the present and often forget that the species we meet there have been there a lot longer (at least until they join the Federation as members).  So please keep in mind while this timeline may point out the 'important events' of this region, they are only those we know of.

2279(presumed) - Either the Ateni Hegemony or the Hakon Plutocracy launches it's first warp flight.  (Both governments claim it's they who discovered the technology and the other stole it.)  Colonization race ensues.   Presumed some eight to ten worlds were colonized.  Their first contact with the Akasha takes place sometime in this period as well.

2293 - SS Nova Queen is lost in wormhole and survivors settle what becomes Emerson's World while waiting to be found. 

2293 - 2349 - Akashan star destroys it's self.  

- Akashan war-arks flee the planet to find, conquor or colonize new worlds.  

- Large grouping of war-arks and attack the Teldani.  The resulting conflict unites the Teldani governments against their common foe.  The Akashan's are decimated, but losses to the Teldani force a withdrawl from all but four colony worlds.  Resulting on added strain on their homeworld.

- Akashan war-arks invade Kalasi, the Kalasi fight back and repulse their invaders, wreckage of the war-arks give the Kalasi insight into warp drive and new technology.

2350 - USS Brisbane surveys the region, makes first contact with the Teldani, Akahsan and Kalasi

2251 - Buying some stolen Federation charts, Evets Gnol finds what becomes known as Bridgetown and uses it as his base of operations.

2355 - Full colonization of Emerson's World begins.

2356 - First none pirate residents of Bridgetown arrive.  With them come the Orions.

2362 - Sanctum Colony founded by the Free Thinkers.

2365 - Prospero Colony begins operation.

2370 - Keva Mining Corporation begins operations on Alpha Kallick III as the begining of a Federation initiative of expansion into the region.

2372 - Hakon and Ateni war heats up.  Hakon ships encounter an old style Romulan vessel on the edge of the Epsilon Seta system.  Two Hakon vessels are completely destroyed the others are allowed to retreat.  While there were no further Romulan sightings, Hakon and Atreni aggression increases.  Evets Gnol and James Emerson, both fearing for their respective holdings, hammer-out the Emerson Accords, which is backed by the Federation and many believe the Orions.  It established treaties of non-aggression with the Teldani governments between both Bridgetown and the Federation Colonies as well making both neutral territory where no combat can take place.  Much to the colonists on Alpha Kallick III's dismay, the Federation added limitations to the trade between the Colonies and the Teldani, limiting  it to non-military supplies, preventing the Keva Corporation from selling it's surplus ore because of it's use in ships.  

2373 - Dominion War begins stopping the planned expansion into the region indefinately.

2376 - Akashan War-Ark enters the Beta Kallick System.  Seemingly miraculously Sanctum Colony repels the ship.  Prospero Colony though is invaded by a raiding party and vital equipment is stolen and damage is done to their solar mirror array.  The USS Indomitable is dispatched to the region to recover the equipment and investigate the Akashan threat.   They are successful.

2378 - Due to a number of events, the main being, increased incidents of attacks by what is presumed to be Akashan War-Arks in the region and lobbying by the Keva Mining Corporation to re-start expansion in this region; Starfleet assigns the USS Pathfinder to the region.  It's mission is to aid the colonies, investigate the Akashan threat and explore the regions beyond those known to the Federation for both knowledge and future expansion.