Why oh why do I hate this site? Because for one the music sucks, the layout sucks, and the webmaster is very rude. When you email her or ask her something she either doesn't reply or does being snotty.

Let me start off by saying: Did she try to make the music herself because it plain old stinks. Get some new music GIRL!

What's up with the layout of her page? The graphics are old and unoriginal! And when you choose to go into her site its got these annoying words and screen that keeps popping up talking about her stupid history about her websites! NO ONE CARES!

She also tries to copyright her little picture on her front page when the truth is that she didn't make up the javascript, she only placed the copyrighted (by the official halloween people)  picture into the code.  Also her links on the side of her site...how original ex. Movie stuff, other stuff, fun stuff....yeah I get the point ...might as well just have them all say STUFF! She also states this at the bottom of her site "PLEASE do not take any ideas or original images off this web site for your own page. They come from my hard work. Try being original for your web sites. " LOL is all I have to say to that one. I have seen her take plenty of things. So fellow Halloween fans it looks like this is another webmaster who doesn't really care about the Halloween Series, or the fans, she doesn't have any time to even UPDATE! What's the point of having the site then?!!!