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Squaresoft games in this site

Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy Tactics
Bushido Blade
My Site (why i Built it)
Final Fantasy 8
My guest book
New Site

Sephiroth the Chocobo
Meet my Chocobo"Sephiroth!"

Click here to get your own Chocobo!

12/??/00 Mouse

Well i got the new site on the link...must of the stuff isnt finished yet until then enjoy bye.
11/29/00 Mouse

we're moving! moving the webpage to a diffrent server it should be up by christmas until then you're stuck with this one

11/8/00 Mouse
Well it is taking a bit longer than expected but should be done soon
11/2/00 Mouse

Worked on my final fantasy tactics page and tommorrow comes the new format,finallychange to something not so borring well hope to finish tactics soon,i still need my friend to start the 8 page we have already finished the 9 page it is rediculas,should i kick him out? email me and tell me please well until tommorrow bye.

Well today i got another staff member and we decided to completly give the site a make over,you will see the changes soon and hopefully you will like it.also looking for fan art and fan-fic's so please email them to me and i will put it on the site,you will get credit for it(but put it on notepad otherwise it shows up as a download)

Email: Email Me