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Article 2

A2-P1 All people who live in this country have been given rights to worship in their own way, form and fashion, as stated in the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights in the Constitution of the United States.

A2-P2 As Faithists, we do worship and adhere to in faith, our Creator, Jehovih, above all.

A2-P3 We follow our Creator’s instruction given to us directly by His Ever Presence and indirectly through His Bible Oahspe , and other sacred writings directly inspired by His will.

A2-P4* We hold our Creator as the All Highest, for He has given to all, life.

A2-P5* Our Creator has given to all this gift of life from His very Person.

A2-P6* We are all our Creator’s children, born from the same life and spirit.

A2-P7* Each and every person born on this earth has been given eternal life to grow upward, forever, into the higher realms of heaven.

A2-P8* The Almighty Creator has created a world for us to live on, a solar system to travel with, a galaxy to orbit and a universe to grow within and evolve.

A2-P9* The Ever Present Creator has sent His angels from All High to assist us in living our lives on this earth and revealing to us the life that awaits us after mortal death.

A2-P10* As Faithists, we know our Creator has only love for us.

A2-P11 We owe all to our Creator for all things and our existence.

A2-P12* As Faithists, we adhere to and follow our direct heavenly inspiration and earthly instruction, to cherish, love, worship and obey our Creator above all, forever.

Article 2
* References in OAHSPE

A2-P4 R#1 Book of Jehovih. Ch. 1, vrs. 1 - 7, pg. 5
_____R#2 Book of Cosmogony and Prophesy. Ch. 4, vrs. 20, pg. 595
_____R#3 Book of Saphah. vrs. 8 - 19, pg. 653

A2-P5 R#1 Book of Inspiration. Ch. 1, vrs. 1 - 25, pg. 816
_____R#2 Book of Fragapatti. Ch. 10, vrs. 16, pg. 201 - 202

A2-P6 R#1 Book of Ah’shong. Ch. 9, vrs. 19, pg. 56
_____R#2 God’s Book of Eskra. Ch. 44, vrs. 23, pg. 728.

A2-P7 R#1 Book of Fragapatti. Ch. 21, vrs. 14 - 15, pg. 231
_____R#2 Book of Saphah. vrs. 24, pg. 652
_____R#3 Book of Es, Daughter of Jehovih. Ch. 13, vrs. 10, pg. 762

A2-P8 Book of Jehovih. Ch. 2, vrs. 1 - 10, pg. 5 - 6

A2-P9 Synopsis of the Sixteen Cycles. Ch. 3, vrs. 21, pg. 63

A2-P10 Book of Saphah. vrs. 16, pg. 624 - 625

A2-P12 R#1 Book of Fragapatti. Ch. 11, vrs. 13 - 16, pg. 194
______R#2 First Book of God. Ch. 14, vrs. 21, pg. 345
______R#3 First Book of God. Ch. 27, vrs. 1 - 5, pg. 372
______R#4 Book of the Arc of Bon. Ch. 23, vrs. 15 - 17, pg. 535
______R#5 Book of Saphah. vrs. 7 - 9, pg. 660
______R#6 God’s Book of Eskra. Ch. 28, vrs. 3 - 5, pg. 707 - 708
______R#7 God’s Book of Eskra. Ch. 34, vrs. 22 -23, pg. 714
______R#8 God’s Book of Eskra. Ch. 4. vrs. 15, pg. 723
______R#9 God’s Book of Eskra. Ch. 44, vrs. 6 - 18, pg. 727
______R#10 Book of Es, Daughter of Jehovih. Ch. 13, vrs. 9, pg. 762
______R#11 Book of Jehovih’s Kingdom on Earth. Ch. 5, vrs. 3 - 9, pg. 832
______R#12 Book of Discipline. Ch. 1, vrs. 1 - 14, pg. 911

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