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An Iowa Explorer
Life in Japan

The great Buddha in Tsuna, Awaji, IslandJennifer Attack overlooking Great Buddha; Tsuna, Awaji Island; May 2001

Although I have been in Japan for over nine months, this is the first time that I have updated this website.  Instead of writing for this website, I have been doing travel updates over a mailing list sending reports to my family and friends.  It's been good, but I want to try something a little more flexible that will let me play with format and pictures a little more.  June 27 was my 25th birthday, so I figure that is as good a reason as any to get back into the website editing habit.  Let's just see how it goes.

At the moment I am living and working as an English teacher in Osaka, Japan.  Japan is an interesting country--no, that's not putting it precisely enough.  Japan is the most unusual place I have ever lived or traveled in my entire life.  Most of the time that is a good thing. Occasionally it is overwhelmingly bad.  I have never been in a place that so fundamentally challenged me to the very core of my being on so many different occasions.  Never before has every day life been so vivid or adventurous.  Come on over and visit me sometime.  See what you think.

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