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Lindsey Quotes

Lindsey Quotes

What Lindsey has to say and what others have to say about Lindsey!

lindsey Lindsey on winning Wimbledon:
It feels incredible. After I won, I was in more shock than anything. I didn't quite know what to do. You know, I would always say that my best chances were always on hard court and after struggling here for a couple of years, and not playing so well on this surface, to win here, to not lose a set, to beat Graf and Novotna, who are the best grass court players we have, all of that combined just makes it the most amazing win.

John McEnroe:
"I look at someone like Lindsay as inspirational," McEnroe said. "We had Andre at the French, and he lifted the spirits of the tennis world. But to see somebody like Lindsay, who wasn't known as the best athlete, shows you can do it the old-fashioned way: hard work, dedication, love for your sport."

Mary Carillo (a piece she did for HBO):
If you buy into the overheated hoopla best personified by Anna Kournikova, women's tennis is wildly popular because of all the swell subplots -- Kournikova's a vixen, Venus and Serena are crossover calendar girls, Hingis is an off-putting pubescent and Steffi Graf has survived both her injuries and her father.

Lindsay Davenport, by the way –- Hello? –- ended last year number one and can recover from that spot if she reaches the final. Lindsay has never been a part of the hyperbole hootenanny that informs and deforms our sport. Lindsay is the classic middle child of women's tennis, and she suffers the Jan Brady syndrome as well.

She's aggressively normal. One year she skipped the grasscourt practice over here so she could attend her high school prom. When she got to Wimbledon she brandished her diploma and paraded it around the locker room, declaring, correctly, "I'll bet a lot of you have never seen one of these babies."

I like her sense of humor. I like even more how seriously Davenport has trained the last two years to be the best player she can be. Her hard court progress won her last year's US open. Grass is her worst surface, but her big-babe brand of tennis could serve her well, too. There is an uncomplicated clarity to it all -- clean, hard and emphatic. Give her a dry court with all that speed in it and maybe she can make something happen -- even win this thing.

It's her only chance to make news, and winning is the only way she can make headlines.

So if you like women's tennis as a physical and mental effort -- that is, as a sport -- it's worth rooting for Lindsay. There's no why she can't play the lead role too.

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