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Boogie Man Play

The Boogie Man Play


Narrator: It all began on a dark, gloomy night. The Boogie Man was born. He was lovingly cared for by his mother and father. Just to clear things up, the Boogie Man is not what you may believe. Somehow he started being falsely described as a scary person. Parents may tell a young child to behave or the Boogie Man will get them. Today you will forget all these falsehoods when we tell you the real story of the Boogie Man. The Boogie Man grew up near the river, by a bridge. There was a sand bar, so one day his mom thought it would be a good idea to teach him how to swim.

Mom: Son, would you like to learn how to swim?

Boogie Man(BM): Yes Mom, I want to swim like a fish.

Mom: O.K.


Mom: The water is nice today. First you do this.......


Mom: Then this.


BM: Wow, look I’m swimming!


BM: Mom....I think I have leeches!


Narrator: The reason that Boogie men are thought to be scary is because of one reason, The Bad Boogie Man!

Narrator 2:Two children are out after dark.

Kid 1: Hmmm. It sure is dark out.

Kid 2: I didn’t notice, it is dark!

Bad BM: Ha ha ha, I’m the Bad Boogie Man!

Kid 1: Wow, look at those big teeth!

Kid 2: And his antlers!

Kid 1: And his big red eyes!

Kid 2: And.....

Bad BM: I said ha ha ha, I’m the Bad Boogie Man!

Kid 1: Ahhh! The Boogie Man!

Kid 2: Run!



Narrator:The Good Boogie Man, learned about how the Bad Boogie Man was scaring people, and making people hate Boogie Men everywhere, and he decided to do something about it.

Narrator 2:The Good Boogie Man finally sees the Bad Boogie Man.

Good BM: Hey you!

Bad BM: What?

Good BM: I’ll teach you a lesson for scarring people!

Bad BM: No, I’ll teach you a lesson for not scarring people!

Narrator 2:The fight starts


Good BM: Ha, ha you can’t fight anymore. You’ve been smoking since you were 12, and now it’s catching up with you!

Bad BM: Oh... My... Your... Right...




Good BM: That will teach you...

Bad BM: I’ll never scare anyone again. I’m sorry.

Narrator: That ends the story. Now children don’t have to be scared of Boogie Men, because of the brave efforts of the Good Boogie Man.