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How I met the Boogie Man

One day when I was younger I went into the basement. As I reached the stairs on my way out I suddenly felt someone's presence. I made a mad dash out of the basement and slammed the door. It just so happened that the Boogie Man had been in my basement and when he saw me he ran away and hid in the corner. "That does it," said the boogie man," I'm getting out of here!"

Time passed and I was soon 14 years old. I was no longer scarred of the boogie man, heck I had forgotten all about him. I went out of my house one day and into the garage. I saw a site that made me jump! I could'nt believe my eyes! There in the corner stood a little green thing with antlers! He was about 6 inches tall, and had short stubby legs that were almost invisible! Really now that I think about it, he was kind of cute.

By this time the Boogie Man had noticed me and all of a sudden his eyes turned red and he looked at me, with his red eyes and big teeth. I got scarred, but soon ran away. Luckily for me he had stepped in some mud and left little boogie prints that I followed. The boogie prints led to the bush in front of my house. I ducked down and to my amazement, I saw a little house in the bushes. The house was very small, so I realized that the boogie man could shrink himself or make himself grow whenever he wanted to.

Suddenly I started feeling dizzy and heard a vacume sound. I was being shrunk and sucked into the Boogie Man's house. My life flashed before my eyes. I was surely a gonner! Everyone knows that the Boogie Man eats people!! What a coincidence, all Boogie Men know that people eat them!

As it turned out the Boogie Man was not a hungry monster like I thought. While in his house he gave me cake and ice cream. Ice cream is a Boogie Man's favorite food after all!

We talked and became friends. The Boogie Man also gave me Boogie Man powers. That just goes to show you that Boogie Men are not all that bad.