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Welcome to Purgatory. Come in, hang your hat and have a seat... hope you like what I've done with the place... being the unrepentant Pagan that I am, I will doubtlessly end up in Hell, so I thought I may as well make the best of it... right, then... the bar is over there, feel free to help yourself to something cold, like my love-life. If you feel the need for a bit of entertainment, pull that velvet rope there and our resident Gorean Slavegirl will dance for you.

Speaking of scantily-clad slavegirls, my dearest Madeline has had another run in with the law. It seems that the she was caught stalking poor Fabio again, begging to have his love child. Alas, Madeline, leave the poor man alone. Content yourself with the inflatable Fabio I gave you for Christmas...

You will note the Pre-Raphaelite work displayed as you enter, Delaroche's signature work, The Young Martyre. For me this work symbolizes the eternal struggle between fleeting Feminine Beauty (dear Ophelia in the water), and cruel, Vengeful Time (the dark male figure standing in the shadows). Perhaps the only definitive truth, Time shall ever be Beauty's Destroyer. So please do browse the galleries down the hall, and do not rush the moment. Take time to appreciate the true beauty therein.

Oh, if you are curious, the music playing here and in the galleries is Chopin.


Liquid Beauty

Vintage Beauty

To learn more about me (as if you care), try this.

Petition For Indulgences Guestbook by GuestWorld ...

Places I Frequent...

A friend's Gothic Victorian parlor...
Some of my soul's wailing excretions...
My dearest Madeline's home...
A rather useful translation site...
The source for my title graphic

Email: de Sade