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Name: Joseph Daniel Adrian
Rank/Branch: O3/US Air Force
Unit: (unknown)
Date of Birth: 02 August 1942
Home City of Record: Riveredge NJ
Date of Loss: 12 March 1967
Country of Loss: South Vietnam/Over Water
Loss Coordinates: 130822N 1092307E (CQ293485)
Status (in 1973): Killed/Body Not Recovered
Category: 4
Aircraft/Vehicle/Ground: F100
Other Personnel in Incident:
(none missing)

Compiled by Homecoming II Project with the assistance of one or more of the following: raw data from U.S. Government agency sources, correspondence with POW/MIA families, published sources, interviews. Date Compiled: 01 January 1990


1Lt. Joseph D. Adrian was reported missing in action while on a night scramble mission in a flight of three F-100 aircraft on March 12, 1967. Adrian's aircraft was attempting to join the lead in a right turn when it was observed to continue the turn and disappear out of sight. The incident occurred approximately six miles off the end of the runway at Tuy Hoa offshore from Phu Yen Province, South Vietnam.

According to Air Force records, evidence (unnamed) was received on March 26 which indicated that Lt. Adrian died at the time his aircraft went down, but as no remains were found, he is listed with honor among those missing in Southeast Asia.

When the last American troops left Southeast Asia in 1975, some 2500 Americans were unaccounted for. Reports received by the U.S. Government since that time build a strong case for belief that many of these "unaccounted for" Americans are still alive and in captivity.

1Lt. Joseph D. Adrian was listed as killed, body not recovered. His case seems clear - that he perished and cannot be recovered. Unfortunately, evidence continues to be received indicating that hundreds of Americans are still captive, waiting for the country they proudly served to secure their freedom.

In our haste to leave an unpopular war, it now appears we abandoned some of our best men. In our haste to heal the wounds of this same war, will we sign their death warrants? Or will we do what we can to bring them home?


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