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Step-By-Step instructions

1. The first step to any project should be to get the supplies you need. They are:

Item Description Where to find Price
2 Bottle Caps plastic screw on caps on any 20 oz. or 2 litre pop bottle free
8" of Fuse any cannon fuse (Green type) firework stands/look on net 10-25 cents/foot
Black Powder Fine grade powder used for muzzelloaders sporting goods-gun store varies
Roll of Shipping Tape Shipping tape ..MUST have cloth threads in it Department stores/any office supply store about $2.00
X-acto Knife hobby knife department stores/any office supply store $1.00-$2.00
2. Now that the supplies are gathered it is time for assembly. *****These instructions should be followed exactly.*****

Using the X-acto knife drill a hole in top of one of the bottle caps. The hole should be just large enough for the fuse to fit through.

3. Take the second cap and cut two slits in it from top to bottom. The slits should be approximatly 1/4" apart (the width of an ink pen) to form a tab. Fold the tab down so it is even with the top of the cap.

4. The two caps are then put together to form a small container. The bottle caps should be taped together to form a cylinder by wraping the tape around the curved part of the cylinder. It only takes about 3 times around for now. This is basically to hold the caps together for filling.

5. Use the X-acto knife to cut the tape away from the hole formed when the tab was folded down. This will be the hole for filling.

6. Place the fuse in the hole and make sure there is enough fuse inside to be ran around the lower cap once. This will save time and prevent the fuse from pulling out later.

7. Pour the black powder into the hole where the slits were made. The powder should be poured in little by little and packed with an ink pen or wooden dowel.

8. When the cherry bomb is full of powder the tab should be folded in. Tape over the tab and all around the caps from every direction.

Tape, tape, tape.......

9. Do not spare any tape, this should take at least 5-10 feet of tape. Wrap this thing tightly around both the sides and the top. The more tape there is, the higher the compression and the louder the BANG!

10. The cherry bomb is now complete. It should resemble a wad of tape. It should be cleanly and tightly taped. The tape should be about 1/4 of an inch thick on it's surface. The cherry bomb can be painted, but it is not neccesary and painting can be considered a waste of time.

Lighting the Cherry Bombs

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