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Characters created by George Lucas, with the exception of Mara Jade, created by Timothy Zahn

Welcome fellow SW fans! I do believe SW has been one of my longest-running obsessions. I first saw it maybe 7 years ago with my brother. I remember we had to rent them, and I waited anxiously after The Empire Strikes Back for a *whole day* to find out what would happen. Then I found out all of the original fans had to wait three years! Ouch, I don't know how you did it!!
As with my other character pages, you will probably find some bias here. After all, the SW universe is loaded with characters, and there's no way I could get to them all! Therefore I concentrate on my favs, which may or may not be your favs, too. Hopefully, since you're here, you'll find someone interesting to meet. If not, there are billions of other SW sites, so check one of them out!

Choose a character to meet:

C-3PO and R2-D2

Queen Amidala

Han Solo

Luke Skywalker

Obi-Wan (Ben) Kenobi


Mara Jade

Star Wars Musings
in which I write a little something about my thoughts on various aspects of SW

Thanks to George Lucas for the awesome world he created for us to play in; to Lucasfilm and 20th Century Fox for the movies; to Bantam books for Timothy Zahn's tril; and to the following websites, which were my resources:

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