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Brittani's Veggie Tales Web Site Welcome,


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Lyle the Kindly Viking Coming Soon!
The newest video in the Veggie Tales series is coming out this March 2001!! Lyle the Kindly Viking teaches kids about sharing. Look for the video this March!! Esther: The Girl Who Became Queen In Stores Now!!
The latest Veggie Tales movie is in stores now!! Look for the video at your local Christian book store now!

3-2-1 Penguins In Stores!
New from Big Idea! Don't worry! Veggie Tales aren't going anywhere! This new series is about 4 space penguins; Zidgel, Midgel, Fidgel, and Kevin. Check out Big Idea Productions' Web Site or my cousin Joey's 3-2-1 Penguins Page Look for the new video in a Christian book store near you!

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There Have Been Visitors since December 25, 1999

All graphics and information © Big Idea Productions.

DISCLAIMER: This site is in no way affiliated or sponsored by Big Idea Productions; Word, Inc.; or Everland Entertainment. It is just a fan site dedicated to Veggie Tales.

Last Updated: February 17, 2001

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