Realm de la Britini-chu 
||| Quotes||| Poems ||| Waffles ||| Personality Test ||| Britini Rants ||| My Other Site ||| Big Words ||| Britini's Guide to Slang |||Movie Reviews ||| Birthday List ||| World Domination|||
Hello there, it's me, Britini, and this is the new Britini web site. So, what's been going on? I'm here in Lake Forest College, in Lake Forest, Illinois. I'm a Freshman, a dirty, dirty freshperson. Go me. 
March 27
I plan on keeping this side of the bar fresh and as updated as possible. You know, with all that great information about me and my life and all of things that I'm into. You know, the stuff like that ol' Prom that's comming up. Shtick like that. While on that note, have I mentioned that I am trying to get to go to prom with a robot. It would be a great publicity stunt, I think. You know, for me, and all that I stand for. Which isn't much.... 

So... nothing much is really going on im my life right now.... I've been listening to DEVO, the Producer's soundtrack, the newer Radiohead Album, Weezer and "Punk-o-Rama" Vol.6 a lot. And eating lemon pudding pie. Yummy... pie... I like pie... But then, doesn't everyone like pie???

The year's almost over. Mock Trial season just ended, for most of us. The SHS Black team, however, will be continuing on to National Compition. So send us money to send our babies to St. Paul! The only other thing left on the agenda is the Spring Shakespeare play, which is Love's Labour's Lost, this year. I shall once again be portraying the part of a boy, the page Mote.