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About Me
My dog Bruno - Coming Soon!
My dog Gracie
My cat Regis
My kitten Arnie
Animal Awareness Site
My Favorite Links

Tribute to Puddles
Tribute to Marci

Below are animals available at the shelter my mommy works at!

Willy's Adoptions

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Please visit my NEW photo album!!! Click Here!!! There's two pages there so be sure to check them out! It will be WELL worth your time!

My name is Willy. My mom tells me it is short for Gee Willikers and my dad tells me it is short for Wilford. They really confuse me sometimes. I guess they never did quite decide on my full name. But I like Willy just fine!

That's my older brother Regis. I like him a lot. I also have an orange cat brother named Arnie. I will ask mom to put up a picture of us together later. I like Arnie too but Regis was my first best friend. He was so nice to me when I was a puppy so we will always be pals.

That's my little brother Bruno. He's bigger than me but I'm older and I'm the boss of him. Just ask him and he will tell you that. I'm not so sure I like him here but no matter how much I pick on him he won't leave so I think I'm stuck living with him. The main reason mom and dad adopted him was so I could have a brother to play with. I do enjoy jumping on him and barking at him. Stealing his toys is really fun too! I don't like it when he hangs out with my mom. She's mine!!! I get real mad and I yell at him when he tries stealing my mom from me!

I now have a younger sister named Gracie. She is very pretty and I like her a lot! I like to play with her and boss her around! Gracie is a mutt mommy fell in love with when she started working at the shelter. Eventually she couldn't take it anymore and had to adopt her! I'm glad she did!

That's me running. We used to live by a lake and it was really fun up there. Now we live on a busy road with lots of people and cars that drive by and just aggravate me. I bark at them whenever I see them and they take the hint because they keep on going!

That's me sitting in front of the mirror. That was at our old house. The house by the lake. We don't have a big mirror here and I wish we did because I used to sit in front of that mirror for hours staring at my beautiful self! xoxox Mom says I'm vain...whatever that means.

I know I'm cute. I have won several pet contests and everyone that knows me tells me how cute I am. So what's wrong with me sitting in front of a mirror admiring how cute I am. It's not my fault that I'm cute!

My mommy thought it would be funny to adopt the adoption you see above...but I do agree it fits me well! My favorite thing in the world, well next to mommy, is destroying things. I even won an award for being so destructive! I love to ruin anything, I do not discriminate!

Mom says it's time for bed and that I have to get off the computer. This page is always under-destruction (or something like that) - so check back again!

Since Willy is my baby and he is a spoiled brat and gets treated as a member of the family, I decided he should have his own tag board too! So please leave a little note for my puppy and tell him how adorable he is! :o) ~Danielle

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