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My dog Willy
My dog Bruno - Coming Soon!
Tribute to Puddles
Tribute to Marci
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Below are animals available at the shelter our mommy works at!

Regis and Arnie's Adoptions



Welcome to Regis and Arnie's page! I decided that it was just easier to combine their pages into one. That way maybe more people would like to come visit them if they only have to click on one page!


On October 9, 2001, Regis our sweet baby kitty joined our family. He's a grey and white tabby with a cute white tummy! He is one of the sweetest cat I have ever known, and is a very mellow dude!

My boyfriend, Jeb, found Regis out in the country where he worked and instantly put him in his van and brought him home. Regis was so hungry for food and for love that first day, it was like he couldn't get enough of either! Within 24 hours he made himself at home and took over our hearts! He can be a booger sometimes and teams up with Willy! If Willy can't reach something Regis will knock it down for Willy!!! But I think that is cute!

We got Regis a little brother named Arnie. We felt that Regis was really lonely since Marci wouldn't give Regis the time of day. So I went to the shelter and picked out a little orange tabby who we named Arnie. If you would like to see Arnie, please scroll down! Regis really loves his new little brother and I can really see a difference in his attitude! He's purring more, he's more affectionate, and he's actually playing and having fun again! It's so nice to see and I just knew another kitty was just what Regis needed.


On August 27, 2002 I went to the Humane Society of North Central Iowa (my current place of employment) to adopt a kitty, and this little dude was screaming at me so I just had to bring him home! I didn't think he was what I was looking for but I knew that I better listen to my gut instinct! I couldn't have picked a better kitty for our family!

Arnie is already one year old!! He is such a little sweetie pie! He is an orange tabby cat with beautiful eyes! He's pretty small for his age and I just love that! It's like he's my perpetual kitten...and that I DON'T mind! He's grown a lot since we got him but he's still pretty small in my opinion!

Arnie has adjusted really well to the family. He loves both Willy and Bruno and is very fond of watching our cockatiels Keiko and Suki (when I'm in the room supervising of course!). Arnie loves snuggling with his fur-siblings...even Willy and Bruno. I wake up many mornings to see him snuggled with big Bruno on his bed. When he walks by the doggies he has to rub up against them and do figure 8's under their legs!

I recently took in a tiny foster kitten (shown above) and Arnie is the best big brother ever!! He plays with Icis, bathes her, loves her, and keeps her entertained when I can't! I'm so proud of my little boy! I'm hoping that he can keep his little foster sister fur-ever but we will see!

I really got lucky and got pets with really cool personalities. I just love having a family that gets along so well! Arnie knew what he was talking about that day he was screaming at me at the shelter!!! I'm so glad I listened to him!

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This adorable webset is from Graphic Garden!