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Spay or Neuter Your Pets!
Spay or Neuter Your Pets!


Garth is an adorable 12 year old Cocker mix in Louisville, KY. He is in desperate need of a home. He loves people, loves everyone that comes over, loves his family. He has issues over the baby of the family and that is why his owners need to rehome him, but he grew up with the other children who are now teenagers and he just adores them.

Garth is neutered, up to date on shots, housebroken. He loves to play fetch, taking baths and being blow dried. He is good with other dogs as well. Unfortunately, if we dont find Garth a home soon, his owners may have to put him to sleep as they dont want to take any chances with their baby and its really tough to find an older pet a good home. Garth would definitely have to go to a home with no young children. Can you give Garth the wonderful loving home he deserves? If so please contact me for more information!

| Spay/Neuter Info | Behavior Info | Puppy Mill Info |


This page was inspired by a beautiful Rottweiler with the saddest eyes, named Autumn. It all started when someone posted an email in a group I am in about a kitty who needed a home and FAST. She was scheduled to be put to sleep that same day. Luckily she was saved!!! I then was told about the happy endings part of the website and I went there to see the kitty that was saved...but ended up at the page for "Last Chance" pets. Autumn was there and she was listed with 2 beautiful kitties, and two other gorgeous dogs. I was so saddened. But what hurt the most was seeing Autumn's eyes, and to see that her owners had surrendered her and put her in there.

I then was reading over a story/poem titled "How Could You" and I decided to make a website to promote spaying/neutering and to show people that their are other alternatives besides taking your pet to the shelter. There are MANY rescue groups that are there to help. If you have a behavioral problem there are so many things you can do to try and help change that behavior. I want to help educate if I can, and I just hope the people that need to be educated somehow find their way to my page, or to another page like it.


A Shiloh Shepherd in Virginia named Rumble is lost. Please pray for his safe return back to his family. His owners have a website all about him, including what to do if you happen to see Rumble...please check it out. Click here to see how you can help!

Did you know...
(HSUS Pet Over Population Estimates)

8-10 MILLION cats and dogs enter shelters each year?

4-5 MILLION cats and dogs are euthanized by shelters each year?

3-5 millions cats and dogs are adopted from shelters each year?

Only 15–30% of dogs and 2–5% of cats entering shelters are reclaimed by owners each year?

A fertile cat can produce an average of 3 litters per year?

In seven years, one female cat and her offspring can theoretically produce 420,000 cats?

A fertile dog can produce an average of 2 litters per year?

In six years, one female dog and her offspring can theoretically produce 67,000 dogs?


Spay/Neuter Social Awareness Stamps available September 20, 2002 nationwide! The American Partnership for Pets invites all Americans -- veterinarians, corporations, community leaders, non-profits, and the general public, YOU, to assume a role in our national collaborative focus on raising awareness of the tragedy of the millions of homeless and unwanted animals in our nation and of the benefits of spay-neuter as a part of the solution.

For more information on spaying/neutering visit:
My Spay/Neuter Page
My Links Page

Behavioral Problems/Owner Surrender

Part of the reason I am making this website is also to help people who have "problem" pets see that there are SO many resources out there to help them fix behavioral problems and so many other options besides surrendering the pet.

I have read a lot of sorry excuses for surrendering a pet and just want to make people aware that there are things you can do if you are committed to working hard to solve the problem!

I am REALLY touchy on this subject. I believe when you adopt a pet you adopt it for life. If your pet has a behavioral or medical problem I believe you need to do all that is within your means to fix it.

Please remember, pets aren't just things to throw away after the excitement wears off.

If worse comes to worse and you have tried everything you can and just cannot take it anymore please consider re-homing the pet yourself. If you can't do that, there are TONS of breed specific and even non-breed specific organizations out there that are there to help unwanted pets find a home. They are wonderful and they will screen the prospective owners to make sure the pet is going to a good home able to handle that breed. Please try that option before taking your pet to the local shelter, especially if it is a kill-shelter. Please check my links for information about rescue groups.

For more information on behavioral problems visit:
My Behavior Page
My Links Page

Puppy Mills & Pet Shops

I wanted to include information about puppy mills and pet shops as well on this page. I just want to help get the word out there and help increase awareness. For more information visit my links page, I have a lot of links for various sites about puppy mills.

Before buying a puppy, please do your research and you will be happy you did! A lot of people still don't know that buying a puppy in pet shops means they most likely come from breeding "farms" called "puppy mills," where mother dogs and "studs" spend lonely lives in small filthy cages, producing litter after litter. So no matter how cute that doggy is in the window...keep walking! That's the only way we can put these puppy millers out of NOT give them any!

And unfortunately this doesn't apply just to applies to illegal catteries and back yard breeders as well. They all have something in common. They are breeding unhealthy, uncertified, poorly kept animals.

I also recommend that you read the poem Merry Christmas From Ye Olde Puppy Shoppe. That poem pretty much sums up pet stores and puppy mills.

For more information on puppy mills visit:
My Puppy Mill Pages
My Links Page


How Could You?
Rescue Me
Stupid Mutt
Dirty Old Stray
Tuffy...No More
One Mother's Plea
One Boy's Plea
A Different Point Of View
Rescuer's Creed
Rescued Hearts
Do I Go Home Today?
The Cat's Prayer (1)
Looking For a Home
The Miracle Of Life
A Prayer For the Humans
Thank You
A Taker-In of Stray Cats
Cat's Prayer (2)
A Prayer From A Rescued Shelter Cat
Merry Christmas From Ye Olde Puppy Shoppe !!!
The Reason
We Are Their Heroes
A Dog Sits Waiting
Lost and Found - A Boy's Best Friend
Dedicated to Those Who Rescue
This Old Cat
Message From Max
This Rescuer's Prayer
Classified Ad
Have You Seen...

*Note: I have contacted some of the authors who have written the above poems/stories and received their permission to publish their work on my site. But there are a LOT I still need to contact for permission. Some author's I simply cannot find a way to reach them, and some of these poems/stories the author is unknown because that is how I found the poem/story. If one of these belongs to you and you aren't getting credit for it, or would like me to remove from my site please e-mail me and let me know your wishes. I do not want to infringe on anyone's rights and would like to give credit where credit is due. Thank You!

Please sign my guestbook!View my guestbook!

E-mail Me!Links for more informationSpay/Neuter InformationBehavior InformationPuppy Mills

Click the buttons below to see my pets!

My puppy Willy's page!Our Puppy Bruno! - coming soon!My Kitty Regis' Page!My Kitty Arnie's Page

eftelibra graphics
