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Where can I get one of these suits?
Somewhere in a middle-class suburb of Gotham, little Kimberly Ventrix was regularly visited by her imaginary playmate, "Mojo." However, the mysterious, unseen Mojo seemed awfully tangible -- and vocal -- for an "imaginary" friend. At about the same time, a fortune in valuables disappeared as if by magic. Batman investigates, and found himself battling an invisible man.


Don't pet the kitty!
Teekl is Klarion the Witch Boy's pet cat. She transforms into a ferocious "cat-woman" with the help of Klarion's black magic.


Do NOT mistake him with Teen Wolf!
Anthony Romulus became the dreaded Werewolf after taking Professor Milo's serum. His life was forever changed.


BatMAN...MAN-Bat, get it?
Scientist Kirk Langstrom worked as a Zoologist at the Gotham City Zoo, experimenting with bat mutigene to create a serum to replicate the creatures' long life. After testing the serum on himself, Langstrom became the vicious ManBat. Though Batman eventually cured Langstrom, his obsession with the power of the ManBat compelled him to take the serum again and again. Francine, Langstrom's wife and colleague, was accidentally cut by a sliver of glass from a vial which contained the bat mutigene and also became a ManBat at one point.


He's not so bad...
Tygrus is the creation of Dr. Emile Dorian, a mad scientist who lives on an island somewhere near Gotham City. Born in a laboratory, he was given many traits, including increased agility, strength, and stamina. Tygrus thought of Dorian as his father and did as he was told, even if it was for Dorian's evil bidding. Tygrus once helped free Catwoman from his father's clutches, and after Dorian was placed in Arkham Asylum, he decided to stay on the island, living a life of isolation from the rest of the world.


What sharp teeth you have!
A former professional wrestler who turned to crime, Waylon Jones, a.k.a. "Killer Croc", is an incredibly strong "reptile man". His alligator-like skin is virtually bulletproof, and he possesses razor-sharp teeth and claws. He is most at home in the sewers of Gotham City, and it is there that he usually makes his lair.


No relation to Jabba the Hutt!
Clayface (Matt Hagen) is, to everyone's surprise, still alive. Regenerated from his watery grave by mysterious chemicals, Clayface is bulkier, stronger, and meaner than ever. And he's got a new trick up his "sleeve", now able to split his mass into separate entities, and send multiple "clay people" off in different directions to do his felonious bidding.


Don't get in his way!
Bane is a cunning mercenary from South America. A trained killer and a brilliant military strategist, Bane was turned into an unstoppable super-soldier during an experimental operation that implanted tubes into his brain. Through these tubes he can inject a steroid-like chemical called Venom directly into his system and increase his strength and body mass at will.


There is so such thing as a good demon!
World-famous paranormalist Jason Blood carries a terrible secret inside him. Centuries before, his life force was mystically fused to Etrigan, one of the vilest demons in Perdition. The link with Etrigan gave Blood eternal life and a powerful but uncontrollable spirit which he could call upon in times of need. When Blood recites the mystic chant, "Gone, gone, form of man, arise the demon, Etrigan!" he vanishes and Etrigan appears in his place. Though he has thus far always fought on the side of right, the Demon is the ultimate loose cannon. His near-complete mastery of the occult gives him great power, but calling on that power, even for good, is akin to making a deal with the devil himself. Batman will only seek out Jason Blood's (and the Demon's) help in a situation of dire need, when a confrontation with great supernatural forces is inevitable.


Make sure they get plenty of water and sunshine.
This army of Plant Creatures (Humanoid Cactuss) are Poison Ivy's creation. They do as she orders and do not ask questions.