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ASL on the WEB
Basic History
Basic Grammar
Basic Books
Basic FAQS
Basic Links

On the Web, there is no shortage of sites for and about Deaf Culture, Deaf People, and American Sign Language. Here, I've attempted to provide links to sites I've seen and thought were relevant to this site. However, due to my unwillingness to keep watch over too many links, I am keeping this list to only ASL subjects (i.e. a sign language dictionary, fingerspeller, or provide ways to get materials on ASL signs and grammar).  I hope you find them helpful. If you have a site you would like to recommend, do not hesitate to e-mail me. Enjoy!
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Basic Linx

ASL Access
A website for ASL Access, which brings over 200 videos to your local library 
ASL Fingerspelling 1.0
Free fingerspelling download
American Sign Language Browser
Helps to learn signs, in Quicktime (one of my favorites; has a huge database!)
Cindy's Homepage on ASL and Deaf Culture
Very informative on many subjects  
"On Deaflinx you can visit sites about: Deaf Culture, Reference Materials, Organizations, Publications," and more
Website for Deaf Nation, an international newspaper for Deaf Culture
Deafness/Hard of Hearing
Informative site on different subjects of deafness
Deaf Resources
Has and sells Deaf and ILY periphenalia
Deaf Resource Library
Online collection of references and links  
Deaf Spot
"Internet resource for ASL and Deaf related information"  
"Culmination of Deaf Resources. You will never be alone...again."
The site that teaches ASL from the ground up using video and chapters. Innovative, and so far, free!
Medical American Sign Language Phrasebook
A page which helps those in the medical field communicate with deaf patients
Purple Princess' ASL Links Page
A cool page with many links to Deaf sites
Sign Media
Guide to various aspects of this unique visual culture and its language

Basic FAQs | ASLWEB Home

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Disclaimer: Much of what is on these pages has been fully researched and is true to the best of my knowledge. If you find an error, do not hesitate to email me and I will attempt to set it straight. Website created by Carrie De Ruyter, Sept 1999.  Updated March 2005.