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Welcome to ALPHA TREKIE!!!

Transporter Room

Owen - an editor of A.T.
Tom - another editor of A. T.
Non-Trek Link Page - 1 link so far
Cinammon's Star Trek Page - a cool page by other Trekies
NEW! Alpha Trekie Chatroom - (It really works!)
Star Trek Continuum
Star Chatrooms

Alpha Trekie PLUGIN SPACE="" WIDTH=55 HEIGHT=55">

New chat room!!!

Click the Commbadge to try it!

If you have visited this sight please email us. We want to hear what you think!


Owen and Tom need ideas for A.T. Please send your ideas and questions to us via email. With your help we can make this a nice website. Thanks, 2 Trekies

Most Star Trek pictures displayed are copyright Paramount Pictures. The pictures were copied from other webpages. No infractions of the law were intended. If anything displayed here offends you, please, let us know!
