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Becoming a Wife of Noble Character!


Hello. Glad that you are here!
I am still under construction, changing and arranging,
moving this over to here, that over there,
adding this, deleting that.
So, I would love if you would bear with me. Please! [smile]

bird house line

Come on in, take a look around, pull up a chair, grap your
cup of coffeecoffee cup
(or espresso, mocha, hot chocolate or tea,
take your pick)
and relax. I want you to feel at home here!

Proverbs 6:6-8
"Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise:
Which having no guide, overseerer, or ruler,
Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest."

Find out what your
weather will be

Proverbs 16:3
Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.

Like Music?
Click on my praise guy
to visit the music page!


I don't know about your house, but around here,
things can get a little hectic.

With all that goes on in a day, kitchen wash-dryer the cooking, cleaning,
schooling and somehow finding time to grab my wet-suit,
and go surfin' on the net, it's easy to get lost
in the 'duty' of things,

Not to have true as I should!


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Religion Today

everything image

Sometimes, in the day, it may seem like we are overburdened. But,
there is alot of help for us if we only look...

Proverbs 119:165
'Great peace have they who love your law,
and nothing can make them stumble.'

To 'love His law' one must know fellowshiping with Him
everyday... Just as you would not go through the day withought
speaking to your husband, so should we not go the length of our day
without having conversed with HIM.

Find out local news, weather, and entertainment.
Try it! Pretty Neat!

Housework turns ya ugly Housework does make you ugly doesn't it?
It's not like you put on your best dress when you clean!

Here, someone always seems to know when I am in 'deep clean'
mode, because that is when they always seem to stop by! Bless them!
appleline curio

Return to the Proverbs 31 Club
Prayer is asking for rain
Faith is taking an umbrella

Hints, Tips, and Help for the Day, as well as:
  • cleaning Misc.
  • The Kitchen
  • The Bathroom
  • The Laundry
  • Pets

Also: (possibly-smile) scrap-booking, cross-stich, and crafting


To learn a little about me personally click on the button!

Lord Reigns

Like the Graphics? Visit the Graphics Page!

To Proverbs 31 Club

Some of my Favorite Links--And Some
I am Still Checking out!

Focus on the Family
peggies place... christian site =)
*** Annie's Homepage--- another great christian site!
Goshen-Devotionals,News, Christian Web Directory
In Christ Ministries
Virtual Florist--send 'em flowers!
Hallmark 'e' cards.
Or An Animated Card =)
American Greetings---Online Greetings


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