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Ingrid Spiritual Consultant

I extend my hand to peoples around the world. I am a Intuitive Guidance Teacher, Visioner and speaker in New Zealand. I wish you Love and Light, Peace and Healing. My new sites Atlantean Academy of Ancient Knowledge Atlantis Connection I have booking for my Atlantean Mystery Weekend Workshops in Both Australia and New Zealand

Latest Site for Workshops & Product

Guided Meditations Cd order here
Workshops NZ and Australia
Atlantis Mysteries Workshop
Information on Workshops
Readings by private consultation available

Links to my Pages - Discover who Ingrid is and what she creates.

My Story
Angels Message
Atlantean Website
Development Classes
Dove of Peace
Connection to Spirit
Save Planet Earth
Message of Love
Words of Wisdom
Everything is connected through Love
Past Lives in Egypt
Atlantis Book
My friends on the Net
Shania Twain
New Zealand my Home
Spirit Path
My Vision Quest
Angels bring comfort to those who sorrow
Words of Comfort
Atlantean Healing
Message from the Arcturians

Altantean Academy of Ancient Knowledge from Atlantis

Future Workshops & Seminars with Ingrid
Questions & Answers on Atlantis
Solons message of Atlantis
Link to interesting sites
Underwater Site to Atlantis found
Workshops & seminars 2006 with Ingrid
Australian Workshops 2006
Is there life in the Universe?
Atlantean Academy of Ancient Knowledge
New Information on Atlantis
Crystal Healing