Some Intelligent Spice Quotes

Spice Intelligence

Ever the purveyors of "Girl Power," the Spice Girls are about as good as Dan Quayle for saying things so incredibly stupid that only they think they sound smart. Here are just a few examples.
(My explanation or response to the quote is italicized.)

Don`t be surprised if you see the words "GIRL POWER !" repeated over and over again when you read any Spice quotes. Whenever the Spice Girls can`t think of anything to say they, shout "Girl Power !" a couple hundred times.

"We love making fun of the boy bimbos -- or Himbos -- we meet backstage at TV shows. We roar out, 'Himbo alert!' and they run away like scared mice. But they do normally have nice bums, which we love to pinch whenever we get the chance." -Wait...a bum is a butt right ? This is such a good girl power statement. "we love to pinch their bums" Ohhh, so that`s what girl power is !

"If you haven't got it, fake it! Too short ? Wear big high heels, but do practice walking!" -Another great fashion tip from Victoria...but "Posh Spice" is actually giving you bad advice, as you can end up with a sprained ankle, like Emma, who tripped on her 6" platforms.

"Eat your doughnuts and candy with pride...just don't leave a sticky gooey mess!" -Ummm...what a descriptive quote from Emma ! That must have taken a lot of brains to come up with !

"We may look like we're a manufactured pop act, but people change their opinion when they meet us." are a manufactured pop act, you retard ! And who would want to meet you ? Maybe if I was held at gunpoint...? Nah, I`d rather die.

"We don't want to alienate the girls. We're not too pretty so that we offend them, we're just like them, we want them to join our gang." -Even I could have told you that you're all ugly ! Oh, and that`s why you kicked out the 6th Spice Girl because she wasn`t pretty enough ? Okay, Geri.

"Beauty doesn't last. Rely on it and you become a cabbage from within!" -Another wonderful quote from Geri, which makes no sense at all. Cabbages simply stink, they don't have a metaphoric quality. I do believe our sage Geri meant "vegetable" rather than "cabbage." But maybe she missed the mark because she is a vegetable. And who said Geri has any beauty ?

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