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What We're All About
(Frequently Asked Questions)

What is Single in Des Moines?
A group of people, (not men, not women) comfortable with being single.
Not a dating service.
Stamping out the Noah's Ark Syndrome that the world is built 2X2.
Working with businesses for discounts (not 2fers).
Exploring new adventures and experiences shared with others, going places previously untraveled, pursuing interest to yet thought of (excluding sexual or "out there" experiences).
Group activities - you do not have to look for someone to go with you.
No baggage allowed, unless we are on a trip.
Not a support group.
Open minds willing to respect the other's ideas, as well as presenting your own.
A diverse group of people all ages

How and when did it start?
SiD is an idea I pitched to the Des Moines Register. Two small articles were in the Datebook in October. I recieved 65 e-mails, and 25 people actually put a stamp on an envelope amd requested information. From this I realized there are other singles out there, and they are looking for activities, and are tired of the dating services and bar secne. The first meeting I had (November 1st) fourty-two people showed up, and every event so far has been well-attended. I am still getting requests and memberships - We are growing larger every day as word gets out.

What Is SiD?
SiD is a business I am starting. So far in two months I have gotten 50 members. Member's ages are 28-60+. Some are still testing the water. There is a membership fee, ($35.00 for six months). I am not a part-time person putting together meetings. There is a fee for meetings and events. Think of me as your personal event planner.

What does SiD provide?
A Newsletter that has a calendar of events for singles and places that are single-friendly. Discounts to some events for members. (Val Air, Merle Hay Mall Theatres, Art After Dark, and I am working on more) Val Air on special nights will provide a space that you can go and know where singles are.

What events are being planned?
Dinners out, Mystery Tours, Sporting Events, Movies, Gatherings, and more. I am working with Des Moines business and attractions to create events just for us. My plan is to provide many activites so you can choose the events that attract you.

Are you feeling adventurous? Was your New Years resolution to branch out of your shell? Are you tired of TV dinners or eating alone?

Join us and find a group of friends that want to try new experiences.

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