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Rule Book

C.M.R.R.A. 2000 Rules and Regulations

The main objective of the California Motorcycle Road Race Association (hereafter refered to as CMRRA) is to promote the sport of motorcycle road racing by providing riders with safe, professionally organized races at a reasonable price.

CMRRA shall provide competitive racing for all makes and models of 50cc-125cc motorcycles. Motorcycles are divided into the following catagories: Stock, Modified, Formula 4(80cc GP) and Formula 3(125cc GP). Other classes of motorcycles may be included at various times. CMRRA classes will compete for trophies, points and awards unless otherwise notified of cash awards.

CMRRA races will always be run in the safest manner possible, and rider safety is top priority. Corner workers and medical personnel will be present at all races.

CMRRA has adopted the following rules and regulations for the 2000 CMRRA Championship Series. These rules are designed to provide for the orderly conduct of motorcycle races. These rules and regulations shall govern the conditions of all CMRRA events. By participating in these events, all participants are deemed to have agreed to comply with these rules and regulations. No impressed or implied guarantee of safety shall result from compliance with death to participants, spectators or others. It is also understood that the California Motorcycle Road Race Association provides no medical insurance.

By signing the entry forms, license applications and liability waivers, every competitor agrees to be subject to the rules as outlined in this book. Because it is impossible to anticipate every possible circumstance, the official responsible for the operation of the event shall rule on any area of dispute by using common sense and fair play. The decision of the Race Director shall be considered final.


GREEN: Start of the race. Also indicates the end of a caution (YELLOW) section.

YELLOW (stationary): Caution.The track is not blocked, but be alert. You MAY pass under a STATIONARY yellow flag.

YELLOW (waving): Danger. Maintain racing line. You MAY NOT PASS under a WAVING yellow flag.

RED: The race (or practice) has stopped. There is immediate danger on the race track. STOP as soon as possible and pull to the side of the track. Look for a Corner Marshal to instruct you as to when to proceed. The Corner Marshal will display a standing RED flag and wave you on with a YELLOW flag. Proceed with great caution and reduced speed to the starter, watching out for emergency vehicles on the track moving in either direction.

Note: Any rider that is the cause of a RED FLAG and needs to be attended to by medical personnel will not be allowed to continue in that race. If it is the first sprint, I must receive an "OK" from the medic for that rider to participate in the 2nd race. If the medic doesn't feel you are mentally or physically fit, then you don't race! In addition, any motorcycle that is involved in a crash and unable to continue in that race, that motorcycle must be brought back to Tech. Inspection before being allowed back on the track. Failure to do this will result in that rider being DQ'd.

BLUE AND ORANGE: You are being lapped by the leaders. Maintain your racing line until passed by the faster riders. Any attempt to block a lapping rider will result in disqualification.

CROSSED FLAGS: Crossed WHITE and CHECKERED flags at start/finish indicate that the race is half over.

WHITE: Courtesy. One more lap remains in the race.

BLACK AND WHITE CHECKERED: The race (or practice) has ended. Proceed at less than racing speed around the track to the designated track exit. Use proper signal at exit.

BLACK: Something is wrong with your equipment or you have been disqualified. Proceed around the track to the pit area and check with the starter or Race Director. (Riders violating this directive are subject to disqualification from event).

CMRRA Officials and Responsibilities

The folowing positions are all CMRRA Staff Positions. Those holding these positions are CMRRA Officials and their directions must be followed when racing with CMRRA.

Race Director- The Race Director shall be responsible for all aspects of the coordination of all CMRRA events, including but not limited to track preparation and event timetable. The Race Director has the final authority on all race related matters, including but not limited to, protest, appeals, penalty judgements, disqualification's and license status changes.

Registration- The Registration Team shall be responsible for handling all race entry forms and verification of racing credentials.

Scoring- The Scoring Team shall be responsible for all race scoring AND SHALL HAVE THE FINAL WORD ON ALL RACE RESULTS. Scoring shall be responsible for the posting of the race results. RIDERS WILL NOT CONTACT SCORE PERSONNEL FOR ANY REASON during the racing program.

Director of Technical Operations- The Director of Technical Operations (Chief Technical Inspector) shall be responsible for ensuring all motorcycles meet CMRRA minimum saftey requirements. The Technical Inspector shall also decide on all matters regarding equipment protestd. The Technical Inspector shall also be responsible for the gridding of all events.

Director of Track Operations- The Director of Track Operations (Head Starter) shall be responsible for starting and finishing all race and practices in accordance with CMRRA proceedure. The Starter shall be responsible for the coordination of all corner workers during the event.

Corner Workers- The Corner Workers shall be responsible for flagging their assigned corners during the event.

Event Rules & Regulations

Registration- All Riders whether pre-entered or post-entering must sign in at morning registration. Be prepared to show your CMRRA Roadracing License or a valid competition license from another recognized YSR racing association. RIDERS MUST HAVE THESE DOCUMENTS IN HAND AT REGISTRATION.

Registration shall close at the specified posted time. In unusual situations with special circumstances, CMRRA registration will reopen for an entry if necessary. We do not want anyone to be left out for any reason, but please do not abuse this rule or it will go away. A $5.00 charge per change, will be charged for changes after registration closes!

Riders whose checks do not clear shall forfeit all race points and trophies for that race and shall be held responsible for making good on the bad check plus check charges of $25.00 and be put on a cash only basis.

There must be minimum of three (3) entries to form a class unless otherwise authorized by the Race Director.

Two or more riders may ride the same motorcycle in seperate classes by paying the required additional entry fees.

Stock/Production motorcycles may be ridden in the Modified class.

Riders are not allowed to switch motorcycles during an event. Any rider caught doing so will be disqualified.

CMRRA Numbers- All racers competing with CMRRA are required to display issued CMRRA race numbers. Riders that competed during the previous year will be issued numbers based on their overall finish position based on points. New racers will be issued numbers starting with #100. Riders from other YSR associations may display their own numbers as long as they do not conflict with a CMRRA number. Check during registration.

Technical Inspection- All race motorcycles must pass technical inspection prior to participating in any event. Motorcycles need only to be inspected once per race weekend. The exception to this rule being for motorcycles that have been black flagged for mechanical reasons, or been involved in an accident. These motocycles must be re-inspected after the motorcycle has been repaired.

Riders of motorcycles being ridden without having passed Technical Inspection wil be black flagged and disqualified.

CMRRA Technical Inspection reserves the right to request any motorcycle, at any time to be brought to Tech. Inspection to check compliance. We will not use this option unless there is reasonable doubt that CMRRA rules are being violated.

CMRRA License Requirements

All racers must possess a current CMRRA Road Racing License to compete in any CMRRA event, be it practice or a race. A visiting racer from another YSR association must display that license at sign up and may race under that associations license, BUT WILL NOT BE ELIGIBLE FOR CMRRA POINTS, ONLY LICENSED CMRRA RACERS ARE ELIGIBLE FOR POINTS. One time riders not belonging to a sanctioned YSR association may purchase a 1 day license for $10.00

1.) CMRRA Expert licenses are issued to riders with proof of prior racing experience, or to Amateur license holders moving up to Expert. CMRRA reserves the right to "bump" a rider the Expert class. In addition a rider may be "bumped" back to Amateur providing there is sufficient reason to do so. Riders holding a Pro License from previous years must compete in the Expert class.

2.) CMRRA Amateur licenses are issued to riders who have previous road racing experience or have competed as a Beginner during the previous season. Beginner riders may remain a Beginner for a second season only upon approval of the CMRRA Race Director. A rider that has any previous "big bike" racing experience must sign up as Expert or Amateur regardless whether this is his first time on a YSR. CMRRA reserves the right to "bump" an Amateur rider to the Expert class. Amatuer riders being bumped up may carry over 25% of their Amateur points.

3.) CMRRA Beginner licenses are issued to those riders who have not experienced any previous road racing competition. In the case of obvious "cherry picking" that rider will be moved up to the next appropriate class during the current event. Mandatory Beginner Bump Up Rules: Three wins "bump up"- Accumulation of 60 points in 5 races- "bump up"- 5 trophies total "bump up". Beginner riders may carry over 25% of their Beginner points to Amateur. Beginner Riders will not be bumped after mid season unless obvious "Cherry Picking" is observed by a new rider.

Additional Race Classes

4.) CMRRA Vets(25+)- All Classifications- Riders 25 years of age and older (proof required) may compete in the Vet class regardless of rider classification. The Vet class must compete on Stock YSR's only.

5.) CMRRA Seniors(40+)- All Classifications- Riders 40 years of age and older (proof required) may compete in the Seniors class regardless of rider classification. The Seniors class must compete on Stock YSR's only.

6.) CMRRA Women- If there enough women to make a class, they will race and be scored separately. If less than three (3) women are competing they must ride and be scored with the men.

7.) Formula 4- 80cc GP This class only open to Amateur and Expert riders. This class will be divided between Amateur and Expert.

8.) Formula 3- 125cc GP All riders competing in the Formula 3 class must compete in the Expert level unless otherwise approved by the Race Director.

The Vet., Senior, 80cc and Womens classes are separate classes and points are separate from overall year end points. These classes will compete for their own overall class Championship.

Rider Requirements

1.) All riders must be a minimum of eight (8) years of age. Riders under the age of eighteen (18) must have notoarized written consent on file signed by a parent or legal guardian.

2.) All riders must wear the following safety equipment at all times while on the track, hot pit lanes or warm-up area:

A.) FULL LEATHERS (1 PIECE OR ZIP TOGETHER) ARE REQUIRED. A "one time" exception will be allowed for new riders. This one time attire can consist of motocross riding apparel with knee pads and a full chest/back protector, Levis (with knee pads), leather jacket or other suitable "heavy jacket". Apparel other than race leathers must be approved by the Race Director.

B.) APPROVED BACK PROTECTOR. All riders participating in CMRRA events must wear an approved back protector. There are many styles and colors of back protectors readily available. Other than an approved helmet, this is one of the most important pieces of equipment you can have. There is no excuse for not having one. Riders will be checked at pre-grid. No Back Protector, No Race!

C.) Leather gloves with no holes or ther openings except for breathing holes. Severely damaged gloves are unacceptable.

D.) Ankle length or higher footwear suitable for competition.

E.) D.O.T./Snell 90 or 95 approved helmet in good, undamaged condition. Helmets will be checked at various times.

F.) Helmet face shields, eyeglasses or goggles must be made of shatter proof material. Helmet shields must remain closed during a race.

3.) All riders must have a functional fire extinguisher readily available in their pits at all times. Extinguishers must be the dry-chemical or CO2 type.

4.) All riders shall be responsible for the conduct of their pit crew. See Disqualification Rules.

5.) All riders shall be responsible for leaving their pit area clean, acceptable condition before leaving the track.

6.) A riders meeting will be held at every race event. Attendance is mandatory for all riders. Sending a pit crew member is not enough. Riders who do not attend the riders meeting will not race.

7.) When your practice or race has been announced, report to the Pre-Grid area promptly. Do not enter the track without clearance from the pre-grid personnel.

8.) The 5 MPH or slower speed limit in the pits will be strictly enforced. You will only be warned once!

Grid Proceedures

All riders are responsible for knowing their own grid position. Any rider showing up to the starting grid without knowing his grid position will be placed at the back of the grid.

The grid priority for all CMRRA races are as follows:

First Sprint: Grid positions for the first sprint will be determined by the prior months race results. All others will be by reciept or time of entry. In otherwords, if you finished 1st. overall, you will be 1st. on the grid.

Second Sprint: Grid positions for riders will be their finish position in the first sprint. In other words, if you finished 3rd in the first heat, you will have #3 grid position in the second heat.

After completing the warm up lap, you should go directly to your grid position. It is your responsibility to check first sprint results to know your grid position.

In case of a Third Heat, Grid position will be determined by your finish in the second heat.

Starting Proceedures

All riders should have their bikes fueled and ready while awaiting their five (5) minute call.

First call: This first call will be given approximately ten (10) minutes before the start of your race.

Second call: When the second call is made, get yourselves and your motorcycles up to the pre-grid as soon as possible. You will have approximately five (5) minutes before the start of your race.

Last call: When the last call is made, riders have one (1) minute to get to pre-grid and be ready for their warm-up lap before the track closes. a rider who is not on the track by the time it closes will not get a warm-up lap and must wait until the field rounds the circuit before taking his grid position.

Note: In the case of unusual circumstances, the Race Director or Starter may hold the race for "no more than two (2) minutes" to allow a rider to enter the track for his race.- This rider/riders will be placed at the back of the grid.

False starts: When a false start which is immediately halted occurs, the riders will return to their original grid position for a re-start. In the case of a second false start, the rider/riders who jumped the start will be moved to the back of the grid. In a situation where the race continues the rider/riders who jumped the start will be docked one (1) lap.

Disqualification and Penalty Rules

The Race Director or his appointed designee has the final word on all disqualification decisions. Riders may be disqualified from all points, awards, and/or further participation in events for, but not limited to the following reasons:

1.) Participation in practice session or races when not properly signed up to race and passed tech. inspection.

2.) Participation in practice session or races on a motorcycle that has not passed through CMRRA tech. inspection.

3.) Entering or allowing another person to participate in a race or practice on a motorcycle other than the one entered in that race event, without the approval of the Race Director.

4.) Entering or participating in any race event under a name other than ones own.

5.) Allowing another person to use ones license, or allowing another person to ride in your place.

6.) Disregard of any flag signal, directive by any CMRRA official, or rule or regulation either intentionally or by inattention.

7.) Any rider intentionally or unintentionally cutting the race track and gaining a position(S) will be docked one (1) lap.

8.) Consumption of alcoholic beverage or any controlled substance in the pit area, or being under the influence thereof.

9.) Operating a motorcycle or any other vehicle in an unsafe manner, or allowing someone to operate a vehicle at an excessive speed in the pit area or race track area. Riders are ultimately responsible for the actions of their pit crews. Reminder, Speed limit in the pits is 5 MPH.

10.) Foul, unfair, or dangerous riding at a race event. Any rider found riding unnecessarily dangerously will be black flagged and reprimanded.

11.) Poor conduct on or off the track at a race event.

12.) Unfit physical or mental condition.

13.) Intentional disregard of any CMRRA rule or regulation.

14.) Repeated violation of any CMRRA rule or regulation.

15.) Dishonored checks.

Protest and Tear Downs

Rough Riding: Protest regarding rough riding must be made immediatly. There are two ways for a rider to be accused of rough riding.

A.) A CMRRA Official recommends it. This will be done only in the event that the official actually witnessed the questionable riding.

B.) Two (2) riders protest on the grounds of rough or dangerous riding. This will be done to avoid protests being used to solve grudges. The protesting must also have been in the same practice or race as the protested rider.

There is no placed for this kind of riding at CMRRA events. We are here to race and have fun. We are not here to win at all cost, and the "win or crash trying" attitude will not be tolerated. Penalties for rough riding are as follows:

1st Offense: Rider will be disqualified from further participation in the days events and forfeit all entry fees. Rider will lose any points, prizes or trophies he may have won during this event.

2nd Offense: Rider will be fined $50.00, disqualified from further participation in the days events and forfeit all entry fees. Rider will lose any points, prizes or trophies he may have won during this event. The fine must be paid prior to any further competition.

3rd Offense: Rider will lose all points for the season, forfeit all entry fees and be suspended for the remainder of the season and or permanently.

Mechanical Protest: In an effort to equalize motorcycle performance and keep the cost of racing down, the CMRRA prohibits certain performance modifications in various classes. Violation of these rules will be handled in the following manner:

1.) Protest must be made to the CMRRA Race Director in "writing", either immediately before or after the specified race takes place.

2.) Protest may be made only by rider(s) racing that day in the same class as the protested machine.

3.) Valid protests will result in appropriate action by CMRRA officials. Such action can include denial of points, trophies, or other awards in the specified class.

4.) Protest which can resolved by visual inspection without the use of tools will require no protest fee.

5.) Protest requiring minor removal of seat, fairing, covers, fuel tank ect., and involving no gasket removal or replacement or fuel drainage will cost $20.00.

6.) Protest requiring removal of cylinder head, cylinder or fluid drainage will cost $40.00.

7.) Protest requiring any additional teardown (internal) will cost $75.00.

The Chief Tech Inspector will have the final decision as to what is a cosmetic or performance inconsistency. If you have a question concerning these topics check with the Tech Inspector before you race.

The Race Director or Chief Inspector may at their discretion require a tear down of any motorcycle regardless of where the motorcycle placed in the race. All tear downs will be observed by an impartial person. Any rider refusing to submit to a tear down will automatically disqualified for that race and suspended from racing until tear down of that motorcycle is completed.

Motorcycle Requirements

Note: In the case of International or Championship events, requirements may be changed or modified to meet rules of other associations. In this instance, all CMRRA riders will be notified.

The following requirements apply to all CMRRA racing motorcycles, unless specifically noted or restricted by individual class requirements. These rules are to insure that no rider has an unfair advantage and that all motorcycles racing with CMRRA are operating in a safe mechanical condition, and that potential failure points are well guarded against, or will be virtually fail-safe- *Note: Excessively "dirty" motorcycles will not be issued a Tech sticker- "Simple Green and water is cheap!"

1.) All motorcycles must be inspected by the CMRRA Tech. Inspector prior to participating in any practice session or race, and must bear a Tech. Inspection sticker for that day.

2.) The CMRRA Race Director reserves the right to check any motorcycle for class compliance at any time during a race event.

3.) Number plates required on the front and both sides of the motorcycle. These numbers must be black or white and must be a minimum of six (6) inches in height for the front plate and a minimum of three (3) inches for the side plates. Numbers must be legible from the front and both sides of the motorcycle while in motion. The number on the motorcycle must correspond the riders CMRRA racing number. RIDERS WITH ILLEGIBLE NUMBERS WILL NOT BE SCORED.

4.) All frames, wheels and swingarms must be free from cracks and kinks. All welds must be sound.

5.) All wheels must be in true alignment and have no cracks. Spoked wheels must have no bent, broken, missing or loose spokes.

6.) Only pavement or road racing tires may be used. Excessively worn or unsafe tires may not be used. Valve caps aer required. Stock wheels must be used except where specially noted.

7.) Motorcycles must have functional front and rear brakes.

8.) All fairings and cowlings must be securely fastened. Snap on side covers must be fastened with safety wire or zip ties.

9.) All control levers must have ball ends at least 1/2 inch in diameter. Hand controls must operate effectively and reliably.

10.) Removable (slide on) exhaust baffles/silencers must be safety wired.

Technical Inspection

All race motorcycles must complete Technical Inspection. The Tech. Inspector may revoke Tech approval of the motorcycle if it no longer meets requirements. The Ckief Tech Inspector may at his discretion allow a "temporary fix" for non-safety related problems for a particular race weekend.

Requirements for Technical Inspection will consist of but not limited to the following:

1.) In the intrest of safety, the following fasteners should be completely safety wired on all racing motorcycles. Note: Coter pins or "R" type spring clips may be used in certain applications. Tab washers designed to accept saftey wire may be used.

A.) Front and rear axle nuts (must)

B.) Oil drain plug/Oil filler cap (must)

C.) Brake line banjo fittings (may be silicon)

D.) Gas lines and other fluid carring lines must be safety wired, clamped or secured by some other appropriate and approved manner (must)

E.) Rear brake stablizer arm (must)

F.) Removable/slide on exhaust baffles (must)

G.) Drive chain master link clip (may use silicon)

H.) Radiator cap (optional)

2.) All liquid cooled engines are required to run non-lubricating coolants* and must be vented in to catch tank of a minimum 8 ounce capacity. Radiator overflow lines must be routed into the catch tank. *Note: NEO Oil "Keep Cool" or like products may be used providing they are non-lubricating and approved by CMRRA.

3.) Gasoline available from commercial highway gas stations or commercial available race gas must be used (no alcohol, methanol, ect. allowed). Lubricating oils and/or commercially available octane boosters may be added to the gasoline. Note: Fuel for 4 strokes, competing in the Modified or 80cc GP class is open (no Nitrous Oxcide)- Anyone using a fuel other than gasoline must inform the Race Director prior to each event. All gasoline is subject to testing!

4.) All motorcycles, without exception, must be equipped with an engine kill switch accessible without removing the hand from the handlebar (deadman's switch is allowed).

5.) All motorcycles must have a self closing throttle.

Must be removed:

Battery- unless authorized by Chief Tech. Inspector


Turn Signals

Tail light assembly including bracket


Tool kit

May be removed:



Helmet lock

Chain guard

Battery box

Kick starter

*Headlight, if retained, must be taped completely

*Speedometer, If retained, must be taped

Grab rail

Speedometer & cable

Headlight lens

Rear brake light switch

The Tech. Inspector may waive at his disrection the removal of some parts for riders using their bikes for daily transportation.

Class Structure and Limitations

Stock/Production Class- The purpose of the Stock/Production class is to provide very competitive racing at a super low cost. All Stock/Production class motorcycles must utilize the following:

1.) Complete fairing, i.e. Upper,lower, seat, windshield- AirTech or other after market body work may be used.

2.) Complete stock engine

3.) Carburetor

4.) Ignition (may not remove lighting coil)

5.) Frame

6.) Suspension (see modifications)

7.) Stock exhaust system supplied by the manufacturer with no modifications

8.) Must have original brakes (excluding brake pads and shoes)

9.) Stock swingarm and gas tank

10.) Original shock mounting on the frame and swingarm

11.) Boost bottle (may not be plugged)

12.) Speedometer drive housing

13.) Lower triple clamp

14.) Stock axles

In addition the following is NOT ALLOWED

in the Stock/Production Class.

1.) No change to engine, cases (engine cases must be stock- ignition case may be trimmed to clear countershaft sprocket but must fully cover the flywheel).

2.) No change in carburetor components will be allowed other than jets.

3.) No port clean up or engine blueprinting allowed, including dimensional matching of parts by selectivity. Removal of "O" rings or other gaskets or flywheel keys are not allowed.

4.) No cutaway rear brake panels

5.) No close ratio transmissions

6.) No internal or external fork modifications requiring cutting or welding

7.) Must utilize stock airbox- Removal of snorkle portion is optional- No other modifications are authorized

8.) Alteration of suspension mounting points

9.) Modification of exhaust system, including cutting open to clean- Any welding on exhaust system other than to repair crash damage will be considered a modification.

Stock/Production motorcycles are limited to the following modifications:

1.) Engine limit 50cc air cooled 2 stroke (must use O.E.M. YSR or YZ50 piston only)- 70cc air cooled 4 stroke

2.) Carburetor jetting- not to exceed 25% of stock jetting

3.) Final drive gear (countershaft and rear sprockets)

4.) Aftermarket rear shock

5.) Second fork spring

6.) Aftermarket bodywork may be used, but must serve in the same capacity as stock (must use stock mounting points) Must use stock gas tank.

7.) Fairing mounts must use stock mounting points

8.) Hardware (aluminum bolts may not be used in stress areas)

9.) Aftermarket brake and clutch levers (Must use stock master cylinder)

10.) Aftermarket brake pads and shoes

11.) Steel braided brake lines

12.) Aftermarket approved tires (no slicks)

13.) Oil pump and reservoir may be removed

14.) Footpegs may be cut and sanded smooth. Rearsets are allowed

15.) Wiring harness may be trimmed

16.) Kick starter may be removed

17.) Aftermarket clutch springs and plates (not to exceed two (2) plates)

18.) Afetrmarket reeds (no modification to reed cage)

19.) Aftermarket fork brace and top triple clamp may be used

20.) Aftermarket swingarm bushings

21.) Speedometer and cable may be removed (must retain speedometer drive housing)

22.) Axles and axle spacers (axles must be steel, no titanium)

23.) Throttle (must have return spring and engine kill switch)

24.) Handlebars & Clip-on's may be used, but must mount in stock position


1.) All modifications allowed in the Stock class.

2.) Engine limit 68cc 2 stroke- (no KX60 engines)- 120cc Single cylinder 4 stroke engines

Not Allowed:

Water cooled 60cc 2 strokes as original engine

Air cooled 100cc 4 strokes as original engine

Fuel other than pump or race gas for 2 strokes

Nitros Oxide for all engines

Engines originally designed for kart use

Multi-cylinder engines

The folowing engine modifications may be made:

A.) Non OEM piston and piston modifications

B.) Porting, blueprinting and balancing

C.) Aftermarket heads (air cooled or water cooled)

D.) Crank modifications

E.) Other rods, cranks, gearing and outer components

F.) Aftermarket carburetor

G.) Aftermarket exhaust with effective silencer

H.) Airbox may be drilled or removed

I.) Aftermarket ignition may be used

J.) Aftermarket tires

K.) Clip on type handlebars

L.) Stock swingarm may be modified

M.) Aftermarket swingarm

N.) Aftermarket brake assemblies

O.) Steering dampeners

P.) Aftermarket wheels

Q.) Frame modifications or change open

R.) Aftermarket bodywork including fairings, tank, i.e. AirTech one piece unit, ect.

S.) Aftermarket fork assemblies

80cc GP Class- Not open to Beginner riders

All rules that apply to Modified class plus the following:

1.) May not exceed 93cc for two stroke and 185cc for the four strokes

2.) Engine modifications are open

3.) Fuel for four strokes is open (no Nitrous Oxide)- If using a fuel other than pump or race gas you must notify the Race Director prior to entering the track

4.) Must use approved D.O.T. tires, race compound tires or slicks. No knobbies!

5.) Frame open

6.) The 80cc class is open to all Amateur or Expert riders.

         Formula 3 (125cc)

Not open to Beginner riders

1.) All Formula 3 racers must compete at the Expert level unless otherwise approved by the Race Director.

2.) Formula 3 motorcycles must be a minimum of 80cc. Formula 3 also includes 250cc four strokes and 350cc push rod singles.

Points System

Points will be awarded based on the final position and the number of riders in the race.

CMRRA Points Schedule

Position ----Expert-----Amateur---Beginner----Vets/Sen. 1-------------30-----------25--------20-----------20 2-------------28-----------23--------18-----------18 3-------------26-----------21--------16-----------16 4-------------24-----------19--------14-----------14 5-------------22-----------17--------12-----------12 6-------------20-----------15--------10-----------10 7-------------18-----------13--------09-----------09 8-------------16-----------11--------08-----------08 9-------------14-----------10--------07-----------07 10------------12-----------09--------06-----------06 11------------11-----------08--------05-----------05 12------------10-----------07--------04-----------04 13------------09-----------06--------03-----------03 14------------08-----------05--------02-----------02 15------------07-----------04 16------------06-----------03 17------------05-----------02 18------------04 19------------03 20------------02

Membership and Entry Fees

CMRRA Annual Membership:  $40.00 (Includes CMRRA Compitition license
                                  and the CMRRA Newsletter)

Associate Member:	       $25.00 (CMRRA newsletter, flyers)- No race
                                  or practice on Race dates authorized

One Day Race License:	 $10.00 (Not eligible for points)

Entry Fees:               Pre-Entry $35.00- 1st Class entered
	                    Pre-Entry $15.00- 2nd Class entered 
                          Pre-Entry $15.00- Additional Classes

             	          Post Entry $40.00- 1st Class entered
		                Post Entry $20.00- 2nd & Additional  
                                             classes entered

Extra Practice Day's:	        Pre-Entry  $25.00
			              Post Entry $35.00

2 Hour Endurance Races:          $40.00 Per Team

Special Events:		         As required

Gate Fees:		         As required by each track

Refunds and Carry Over Policies

1.) All refund or carry-over requests must be made to the Race Director before the end of the event. Please do not call us three weeks later and request a refund.

2.) Total non-participation in any part of the event (practice or race) entitles the rider to a 100% refund or carry-over. For example, a rider doesn't make it to the track after pre-entering, a riders motorcycle will not run, or because of medical problems the rider can not participate.

3.) Once a rider enters the active race track, that constitutes a practice. A rider will be eligible for a 50% cash refund or 75% carry-over for the next event.

4.) Once a rider has entered the active track for the warm-up lap, that constitutes a race. "There will be no refunds of race fees after that point".

5.) Riders who have been disqualified will forfeit all practice and race fees. There will be no refunds for disqualified riders.

6.) CMRRA events will be held "Rain or Shine" unless the track is determined totally unsafe. There will be no refunds due to rain-outs. All fees will be carried over to the next CMRRA event. "Bring your Rain Tires!"

For additional information go to

C.M.R.R.A. Home Page

California Motorcycle Road Race Association

15023 Valencia Way

Lake Elsinore, CA. 92530-7201

(909) 674-5357

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Created on Nov.18,1999

Last updated on Mar.18,2000

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