Angel/Willow Top Ten Lists

Photo By:Serendipity
(So talented it makes you sick,huh?)

This is because this page will be created from the help of YOU!!!
Each week or so, I'll post a topic or Top Ten idea. YOU will send me your ideas! Then I'll post them up..pretty sweet,eh??
Your also probably thinking...geez...she has her e-mail addy on every page!!!
That's because this page is for YOU and I need your help in making it good!
Here's this week's Top Ten idea.
Top Ten Ways Willow's relationship with Tara could end and she would move on to Angel
Send those ideas in!!! :P

I'd like to thankEms and Georgie for their in put on last weeks Top Ten, Look below for the first completed top ten list!

Top Ten Reasons Willow Is Good With Angel

  • 10) Willow has red hair which is a trade mark Irish trait. And Who is our favorite Irish Vampire?
  • 9) Slayers and Vampires just don't go, its like cats and dogs, water and oil, and other stuff that doesn't go.
  • 8) Last time I checked, Witches and Vampires didn't have any of that crummy history.
  • 7) Hello! Soul Restoration, risking of life, need I say more
  • 6) Oz is cute and all, but Willow needs a MAN.
  • 5) Guess who is a man! Well, actually he is more than a man, in more ways than one.
  • 4) What kind of name is Buffy anyways! Not one! Now, Willow is a nice girlie name.
  • 3) Oz isn't a name either, its a mythical character that was the king of the Emerald City. And a HBO show about prison. Angelus: One with an angelic face. Anyone going to disagree? I didn't think so.
  • 2) Just look at the pics by Serendipity! They look so good together!
  • And the Number One Reason Is: 1) Its about time Willow had an Angel after all that meany boy Xander put her though.
  • ......ANOTHER Number One Reason Willow Is Good With Angel is......
  • 1) She is WILLOW ! Enough said :)