Welcome to the Very Boring Submission Guidlines Page!!

Okay, so you want to put a story on my page!
But first things first, ya gotta put this stuff on it!!

Title Of Story:You know...what ever you want the story to be called.
Author and e-mail address:Who wrote this great story?! How to I contact them to tell them how good it is?! That stuff goes here.
Rating:G, Pg, Pg-13, R, or NC-17...put it here. If it's a high rating (a.k.a Nc-17) I HAVE to warn people!! Or my ass could end up in jail...and I'll remember you putting me there....oh yes..I'll remember you....
Disclamier:Let's be honest..you don't own the characters of Buffy The Vampire Slayer. So put that info down, please!
Summary:What is your story about? You don't HAVE to put this but I prefer you do, otherwise I have to think it up and I don't think you want that.
Spoiler:Is this story based near any episode? if so, mention it. if not, Forget about it! :P
Feedback:Do you want it? Do you need it? if so, put yes or no here.
Author's Notes:Anything you'd like to add

That's the stuff you need at the top of your story, anything else goes! It can be rated from G to NC-17, just make sure to mention that. I have the right to turn down any stories I don't like but don't worry about that!!! I like EVERYTHING! The only way I probably wouldn't accept it was if you..I don't know...had Angel running around in a dress singing "I'm too sexy"...that'd be kinda...not good....
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