
july 24, 1999

first of all, we'd like to thank everyone who has come out to support us this summer. props to everyone who came to our show at dotfest, and screw the idiot who sold 107.5 to "The KISS." anyway...

the plow boys haven't been able to play out much this summer because we've been spending most of our time (and money) on our debut album "funkblasto." we made the short trip up to minneapolis to record at A440 Studios, the same place where our boys from Release recorded their album last year. (check the new links page.) having a limited amount of studio time, the session was still a huge success, thanks to our most dopenest engineers, chris and mike.

look for "funkblasto" to be in stores somewhere in september but we'll keep you updated on when the release will be for sure. the cd will contain 12 tracks including three new songs never before performed by the band. so keep your eye on the webpage for updates on the cd.

also... be looking for our web address to be changing to in the near future.

peace in the middle east,

mr plow

mr plow official unofficial page