My Doll Collection

Hi Welcome to my Doll Page. As my freinds know I have two passions shoes and dolls :). This page I will be showing off some of the dolls in my collection :) I love dolls and am always on ebay looking for them or at stores :). So If you do not like dolls or related items this page is not for you. Otherwise enjoy.

My First doll Heather

Heather was my first real Porcialine doll. My freind Beth has one just like her also named Heather.they were both at the same store and we bought them lol. she has 5 diffrent outfits but this one is my favorie. She is just too cute lol.


Erin is my St. Patty's day doll she was soo cute with her wand and wings I had to get her :) She is very pretty but her dress cant be changed :( oh well she still a cutie :)

Sailor Moon

Love the cartoon so I had to have the dolls and they are soo cute love to brush thier hair and look at them they make me smile :) Need Sailor Jupitar though


Just bought sailor Jupitor and the Evil Queen!!!! I am soo happy I love Toys R US :) will have thier pics up soon :)

Here are the links to my other pages just click togo to them :)

Molly's Advice Page--->

NEW Page WebRings/search Engines--->NEW Page

Molly's Shopping Spree----->
Molly's favorite store!!!--->

Molly's friends a page dedicated to all those that have supported me

New Page Molly's Picture Page New page

Molly's Diary personal thoughts and things

Old Letters Page --->