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January 29 1990-March 16 1999


The beautiful child you see above is my niece Miranda Leigh.....more affectionalty know to her Aunt Konii (that would be me) as "RandaBear".

Randa was born the most beautiful dainty little lady amongst an army of brothers and cousins that were all male. She was pure joy and was truly a gift from God from day one....what we didn't realize then was that we would have to return that gift to Him only 9 short years later.

I will not now or ever pretend to fully understand the disease that plagued her or why it had to choose our baby ...what follows is a piece that her mother, Angel wrote and posted to a message board concerning Human Parvo Virus.......

"My message tonight will be blunt but to the point  so as to deliver the message as to how VERY  serious this IS. I laid my precious little angel  Miranda to rest on March 19th only yesterday  after her death on March 16 of this year. She has suffered more complications than I can list at  this time but in the end her lungs were destroyed  after years of a progressive disease called   Bronchilitus Obliterans secondary to  Chronic Human Parvo Virus Syndrome.(not in text books yet.) This is currently being written up at Texas Childrens Hospital Pulmonary Clinic in  Houston, Texas. Miranda too suffered with severe
joint, bone and muscle pain. As well as a severe blood disorder that left her completely transfusion dependent, the last three years of her short little life. She was 9 years old Jan 29th of this year and has had this condition for 6 years. Our story is long and tragic in the suffering of her and our family has endured. The medical community has NO documented history  associated with the human parvo virus (B19 antibody). It is VERY contagious but is consider to be the 5th childhood disease following measles, mumps,rubella,and chicken pox...and  not a threat. Once it runs its course you should be immune.  A teiter will only tell if you have had it. A normal teiter  WILL NOT tell you anything except that you have had it.  Mirandas teiter was well over 2000 when we diagnosed her with a blood disorder at age 3 also diagnosed her with a recent infection of hpv. Her teiter was  normal in October. So the point is that a normal teiter will not help in the diagnosis of chronic hpv.  Miranda taught us so very much and to prevent her suffering being in vain....I will do anything to help you and the children at risk. My endeavor is establish a foundation for research into hpv and  prevention and treatment for those who are attacked.  Thankyou and God be with you. Contact me for more info at my email address.

"My reason for adding this page is to not only memorialize Miranda , but in hopes that someone else who might have a loved one with symptoms or that has been diagnosed with no where to turn for answers might see it.

If you are suffering from this disease, or have knowledge you might feel helpful in this mission, please contact us.......for the love of the children.


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copyright ©1999 LostLyrricProductions

Precious Miranda, sweetly sings, as she dances with Butterflies,

in her Angel Wings


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