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The Theban Script

The origionation of the Theban Script is conflicting. As you might have seen on the message board one claims it is newer, possibly written by Gerald Gardner, however other websites conflict with this information. Those websites will be available to visit at the bottom of the page, but i will post bits of information from them here.

One website states that The first published reference to it is in Francis Barrett's The Magus, published in London in 1801.

The Other says the language originally appeared in the 16th century in the third book of "The Three Books of Occult Philosophy" by Cornelius Agrippa. Agrippa states that an 13th century Italian magician attributes the alphabet to Honorius."

And then there still is the website that states it possibly origionated from ancient Egypt.

Well, Wherever it origionated we have it today if we chose to use it.

The Theban script is used to write spells in, etch onto amulets, or name your tools in. Some say that to use a language you arent using every day makes you concentrate more, therefore giving the spell, tool, amulet or whatever you are writing it on more power because you put more energy into it.

Here is the Theban Script:

More on the information above can be viewed here.

Theban Script Site 1

Theban Script Site 2
