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Me and My Friends Photo Album

This is my on-line photo album of me and my friends. if there are more then 1 viewed in a picture then their names will be read from left to right (your left facing the computer screen) So here r me and my friends.

In Loving Memory of Jim.

Jim. The best friend anyone could ever have. There will be no one in the world quite like he was. April 3rd, 1984- March 16, 2001. Im going to miss him so much.This Song playing in the background is a forever tribute to Jim. It is called "Goodbye to Romance" by Ozzy. It was one of his favorite songs.

Jim was the kind of person no one could hate. It was impossible, he was so caring, he always put his friends before himself. He was the greatest person to have as a friend. Even though he could be bullheaded sometimes, but that made a up a part of who he was, he was a true friend. Everyone felt comfortable around him, we could say whatever we wanted and even wear our p.js or even a towel right after getting out of the shower around him. His friends were his joy in life.I wish i would have spent more time with him. I spent alot of time with him, but it seems like i could have spent more. He always put his all his friends before himself and never expected anything in return, but always had to pay you back. He was never afraid to be himself, he was very individual and loved being that way. He never felt put down and never put anyone else down. No one will ever be able to replace Jim, he had this special aura around him. There will always be an open spot in our group where he will still always be. It's going to be really hard to accept that we are never going to see or hear him again. We love and miss him.

I'm going to miss the way we always used to hang out, just shootin the breeze, how i would always tell him, while we were listening to Tool, if I was in the back seat of his car, that I was getting my back massage because his subs were so good the bass shook the whole back seat and your whole body. Im going to miss his laugh and devilish grin, especally when making a point, how he always used to poke, tickle, and bite us, which would result in a poke, tickle, and bite war, how he always made me feel better. I will always remember all the favors he did for me. Especally driving me home every 7th hr last year and just hanging until everyone got home. And how he thinks my "cry baby" bear is a mouse, my stuffed duck is a stuffed chicken, and would always try to piss off the cats. Jim was a very special person to me and all of my friends, we all felt like more then just a friend to him, we felt like he was family and he brought us all so close together, so close that whenever we would leave eachother for the night or to go to class we would all hug eachother and tell eachother that we love eachother. He started that, because he did love all of us, and made us realize how close friends are, and how powerful the love of friendship is. It's the love that will never leave you alone, comfort you, and never betray you. His love of all of his friends was the greatest Love of all and anyone privelaged enough to be his friend felt blessed because they had such a good friend.

Jim Passed away due to an auto accident on the morning of Friday, March 16th 2001. He was a junior in highschool and 16 years old. He was heading to a gas station to get some orange juice with a friend who was driving him. The roads were slick because it had just got done raining then getting cold enough to snow. The car skid into the other lane of traffic and a car hit them. Then as they were recovering some a pick-up truck (with a suspected drunk driver) crashed into both cars..the car Jim was in being hit the hardest. There was no passanger side left and the trunk was almost in the front seat. Jim was sober and wearing his seatbelt. The driver of the car Jim was in was suspected to be drinking and had no seatbelt on. He also flew 10ft from the car. Jim had a broken feemer and sever head trama. The driver of the car Jim was in had a hairline fracture to a vertibre is what ive been told. It wasnt fare that Jim had to die, especally that way. He touched the lives of everyone he met and i am going to miss him so much. He never had the chance to live his life to the fullest, but he lived every day as if it was his last. Jim was still breathing at the University of Iowa Hospital on friday morning but only due to life support. They found no activity in his brain. Now was the toughest decision. At 11:30am (thats the time i was told) They turned the machines off. Jim was offically gone.

Jim was an organ doner, and has already helped 5 people with his Liver, pancreas, kidneys, and retinas.

I am so proud of the person Jim became, and i hope he is still the same when i see him again.I love him and he will always be my best friend.

For all of those who knew Jim that view this page, please say a few words about him, submitt poetry about him, or memories in this guest book. Thanks again for the idea about setting up a guestbook for this Susie.

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Mal and Me at our Sacred Place in Green Pond **************************************************************************************************************

This is me in the hollow of the tree Standing infront of the enterance to get into the tree. **************************************************************************************************************

This is Ashley, Me, and Susie in a roller cart thing getting ready to go outside, we were scooting the thing back and forth when the picture was taken. **************************************************************************************************************

This is Seth, Bert, Ashley, and Susie hiding around the door in the auditorium still making our way outside. **************************************************************************************************************

Buttons my old kitty passed away March 2003. This is my new Kitty Odin who a playful little shit and definatly lives up to his name. **************************************************************************************************************

These are pictures of my Columbian Redtail Boa Pfenix. **************************************************************************************************************

These are pictures of my Cocker Spanial Rowan. **************************************************************************************************************

These are my Bearded Dragons Drakken and Hydra. Hydra is the smaller one. **************************************************************************************************************

Bert cross-dressed and with Marlyn Manson Make-up **************************************************************************************************************

This is Marni at her last day at West before she went to SHAC **************************************************************************************************************

This is Jake McNatt looking like a stud as usual **************************************************************************************************************

This is Julie and Kyle sitting in the cafeteria during one of our open hours **************************************************************************************************************

This is Stevie being Goofy **************************************************************************************************************

This is Matt S. Sitting in the cafeteria after school the day before spring break (I wish he had his hat off he looks alot better) **************************************************************************************************************

This is Ashley posing in the hollow of the huge tree. **************************************************************************************************************

This is Seth Standing infront of the cool ice that i was going to take a picture of before he got in the way **************************************************************************************************************

This is Lumpy (Jake) Standing on top of the part of the cotton wood tree that fell exposing the hollowness of the tree. **************************************************************************************************************

This is Susie Almost out of the hollow of the tree and April awaiting her to get out of the way so she can get out of the tree. **************************************************************************************************************

Melissa and Ross sitting in the plaza of our school on a bench while everyone else around is hacking (top) Melissa and April in a friendship hug sitting in the cafeteria before school one morning (bottom) **************************************************************************************************************

Andrew getting too close to the camera **************************************************************************************************************

(Top) Sarah Smiling Big for me

(Middle) Adam

(Bottom) Julie and Ivan the last day of school our sophomore year