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Mystickal Stories

Ever since I was little I’ve always felt strange passing through a place in my town everyone calls Green Pond. My mom never wanted me going there. She said it was dangerous, she knew something I didn’t. At first I thought that it was because there was a lot of junk at the beginning of the property, but I went anyway. I didn’t really know why I felt so insecure about the place till I was 13 and started using a clearing in the woods behind the pond to do my ritual workings and spells. The first time I ever cast the circle there I felt like that wasn’t enough, so I thought OK, just this once. I did my ritual then went home. After that I started researching for a bigger means of protection, a bigger circle, I found the triple circle and decided I’d cast that next time. I did and didn’t feel insecure anymore. One night my Friend and I decided to spend the whole night there, it was great we lit a fire made some s'mores and talked, ran around, did what 13 year-olds usually do. Then settled down in our tent for the night. At about 2 in the morning we started hearing what sounded like battle noises and children screaming. We thought that it was just a couple of the kids from the Trailer Court near by trying to scare us so we went out and started looking around. The sounds were so close but we didn’t see anything we got flash lights and flashed them around a little, we still didn’t see anything so we went back in the tent clung onto each other and hid in our sleeping bags. The sounds got closer and things started pounding on the tent we turned the flashlight on to see if we could see the figures of the people pounding on the tent so we could yell at them in the morning or possibly go out of the tent and yell at them but there were no shadows. We didn’t know what to think. We were screaming and crying and finally fell asleep from exhaustion. In the morning we looked around for footprints in case we were too scared to notice any shadows –fear has a way of doing that to people. But there were no footprints. We went back to my house and tried to talk about what happened, but none of us wanted to believe it. Maybe it was a dream –but a dream both of us had? I wasn’t buying it. I wanted to find out what went on that night, so we went to ask some of the elderly people around town, all they could tell us was it used to be named Squash Grove and Black Hawk native Americans used to inhabit this area. So we put 2 and 2 together came up with 4 and decided that maybe there was some kind of battle there.

After that nothing out of the ordinary happened there that we witnessed but some people claimed to see a woman floating above the pond dressed in a fancy mid 18th century style dress.

My next encounter with anything in that place would be the summer of ’98. I was walking home from another 1 of my friends’ who lived in the trailer court. Walking through Green Pond is the fastest way to get from her house to mine. When I heard the laughter of children, followed by wails –Piercing screams. I ran through there as fast as I could and flopped onto my bed catching my breath. I still didn’t know what happened there. Later that night I was woken up by crying. I got up and looked at my sister she was fast asleep and certainly wasn’t crying in her sleep (you’d be surprised about what she does do in her sleep though) I checked the rest of the house but no one was awake. It was this constant crying no matter where I went in the house. I finally asked off the top of my head, "What the hell is wrong?" then like a boom of thunder inside my head a small voice asked me if I could hear him, I told him, "Yes you woke me up." He said he had lost his way and wanted to go home but he couldn’t. To make a long story short. He stays in my room now and I actually have seen him twice, he’s a little native American boy about 6 or 7 years-old and he is very shy. My sister and I are the only ones who have seen him. He doesn’t mean any harm, sometimes he just wants someone to talk to. I don’t know if he followed me home from Green Pond or if somehow my spiritual awareness subconsciously grew, but all I know is I started hearing him after I heard the cries of the children at Green Pond earlier that day. I do know he is friendly and has never done anything to pose a threat to me or my sister. A few harmless practical jokes played to scare a few friends upon their first time staying over at my house, but just enough so they feel like they’re going to wet their pants. -NightShadeMoon

I used to have an ouija board, and me and my friends would mess around with it and stuff, but that was b4 I was Wicca so we didn't really believe in it anyway, well, we did but we didn't acknowledge that we did. we had a lot of fun and we "met" some really nice and friendly spirits but then this one "sc" started talking. Whenever we got it out to play with, about every week for a sleep over, he would come and scare us to death. even when we told him to go away. he would say stuff about the nice spirits like he was holding them captive or something and eventually we all got to scared to use it anymore. so, about 1 1/2 years go by (I really mentally matured during that year, it was one of those times where it just happens, ya know?) and I’m wiccan, and I don't hang out with them anymore but one of my other friends comes over and we find it. so we started messing with it only this time I cast a circle and do a banishing to any negative forces, I even did the whole salt and water bit. so we get it and before anything happens, there's sc. I hadn't even told her about my previous experience so I got pretty damn scared really quickly. anyway, I refused to talk to him but she had fun and didn't believe in it at all. well, a couple days later weird stuff started happening in my room. I know that sounds really cliché and everything and I figured it was just my imagination. at first it was just like I would walk into my room, turn on the light, and come back in a few minutes later and the light would be out but no one had been in there. so that continued to happen, a lot, and I started feeling a presence. I wasn't very aware of other planes yet so if I could feel it there was definitely something there, but I still kind of thought it was my imagination. then, one night, I had gotten to the point where I wouldn't sleep with out a light on, my light goes out. I was like, ok, and the bulb was dead. no big deal. so I turn on another lamp and it goes dead to. I used the last bulb we had to replace it. the bulb exploded even though there's nothing wrong with the lamp. I got another bulb from a different lamp and it was fine for about 5 minutes. I get into bed and the lamp falls to the floor for no apparent reason and the bulb shatters on my floor. I refused to sleep in my room for about a week. then I figured I could banish whatever the hell it was so I did a ritual. it didn't help at all so I just kind of made up reasons to not sleep in my room. then we started looking at houses. we ended up moving. I still get scared thinking about it and I doubt I will ever play with a ouija board again. -Becky

So, here's the setting; I had moved to my father's house in January, one of my close friend had died in December. I don't know if she had anything to do with this or not, maybe it was all just my sub-conscience mind but either way, I think that this is a really extraordinary, yet scary story...

MARCH 4TH 2000, ABOUT 11:00 PM

I’m doing my homework, when out of no where, I feel a great amount of pressure, I curl over in my corner and close my eyes. I see an image of my friends grave stone, ‘SHARON, BORN DECEMBER 9TH, 1984. DIED DECEMBER 15TH, 1999’ the odd part is, I hadn't seen it before, but it was burned into my mind. at this point I had realized I was crying. maybe this would seem like the right thing to do, but for me, no. I hadn't cried since the funeral, not over her, or the fact that I had moved away. the CD player came on, loud as it goes, and played a song that Sharon and I had seen in concert. I started shaking. then things starting falling... first went the lamp, then the phone. I began having trouble breathing, I was choking on my own tears. then pictures that were nailed to the wall shook loose, my fear continued to grow. I had a feeling, this wasn't Sharon. tools from my altar were being thrown off by an unseen force. the Athame flew towards me, I ran into another Corner of my room. I was feeling so weak. I cried as more objects fell to the floor. pictures of friends from my old town were face down on the carpet, but the pictures of Sharon and me stayed perfectly in place. I sat there, alone for two hours in complete chaos... when I finally felt the strength, I grabbed my phone and called my friend bill. I went to the garage. bill could tell by my voice and breathing pattern, that everything was not OK. I told him what was happening. I felt paranoid, like something would come out of the darkness and hurt me. bill continued to try to calm me down, he told me to go back inside, when I did, the TV was on, just a blue screen, I was instructed to shut it off. after much fear, I did, only to have it come back on again. I was scared, I sat on the couch, trying to find a regular breathing pattern. I was still shaking. after talking for two hours, and still felling no relief, I hung up the phone. I had decided to steal my father's car and go to my sister's the house of the only person I knew in a two hour radios. there was not enough gas in the tank to get me there, I knew that much. I tried to call her from 5 different pay phones in town, the sixth one finally worked. for $2 I could make a two minute phone call to my sister. she is not Wicca, she really doesn't have a set religion, but she knows about my strong beliefs in Wicca, so she suggested that I go home and light my altar. while this would be a perfectly OK idea most of the time, I really didn't think that it was a good one considering things were falling, and I really didn't want to set the house on fire. But I did go home, I knew I had to eventually. I didn't go back to my room. I was going to try to sleep on the couch. I kept hearing screaming and carnival sounds, which didn't make a lot of sense to me. I got the image of Sharon’s grave out of my head, and envisioned my alter, lit as it would be in ritual. I fell asleep at about 5:00am. the next day, I called NightShadeMoon, she thought that maybe the power was in me that my sub-conscience made it all happen. this could very well be. I slept downstairs, the next night and bought three green candles, to help protect me and put a safety stone under my pillow. it was just before I fell asleep that I thought "ya know what, if it happens again, and spirits continue with me, than sianara (since it must be so.)" fear is certainly not the best way to deal with things, magickal or otherwise. So I now challenge those who wish to contact me and see what I can learn. -Shadow Lilla

Please Submit your own true Mystickal or unexplained stories!

A few years ago when I was a freshman in high school, I decided to show 1 of my friends that the ouija board wasn't fake. We were having a grand time with it and I was telling her the do's and don’ts of the board. Well after a time I had to use the bathroom. I told her that whatever she did, not to take her fingers off the planchette. When I got back I found her reading 1 of her seventeen magazines on my futon! and also figured out that she had asked the spirit some questions she wasn’t supposed to.

After I got done yelling at her we again placed our fingers on the planchette. I tried to apologize to the spirit but it was too pissed. The planchette flew off the board and almost struck me, but I moved and it hit the wall. There is still a dent in the wall from where it hit, but it is covered by my piano.

For about 6 months after that strange things happened in my room. Bulbs would explode for no reason, things would mysteriously come up missing or moved, whispers would go around my room, and my blankets would be pulled from me during the night. Since it was my board I had responsibility for whatever happened. Finally I blessed my room from all negative energy and banished the entity away and the problems stopped.

It took me about a year to get over what happened, and even now I still have troubles using the board, I’m too afraid to. -NightShadeMoon

My best friend Krystal was having a birthday party, and she also practices Wicca, so we decided to play with her Ouija board. But every time we would talk to a spirit, Krystal would curl up in a ball in the corner and scream about how the pictures had to go away. She explained to us later on that every time her Ouija board is used, the spirits of her grandfather and grandmother appear to her and show her visions of death and stuff like that. So we decided to go outside. Well, her house is built on an old Indian burial ground, and it still has allot of negative vibrations. My other best friend, Chris, was there. He is a conductor. Any spirit can get into his body and possess him. (I'm so serious.) Well, he was looking into the backyard, and I walked up to him, and I said hi Chris. He looked at me, and I swear, his eyes were red. Like, blood red, and he said in this really weird voice, like all deep, Who's Chris?" And he just glared at me. I was terrified of him for two months. -Somer Stoutes
