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Casting the Circle

The Magickal Circle

The magickal circle or sphere is a well-defined though non-physical temple. In much of Wicca today, rituals and magickal workings take place within such a construction of personal energy.

The magick circle is of ancient origin. Forms of it were used in old Babylonian magick. Ceremonial magicians of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance also utilized them, as did various American Indian tribes, though not, perhaps, for the same reasons.

There are 2 main types of magickal circles. Those used by ceremonial magicians of yesterday (and today) are designed to protect the magician from the sources which he or she raises. In Wicca, the circle is used to create a sacred space in which humans meet the Goddess and God.

In pre-Christian Europe, most Pagan religious festivals occurred outdoors. These were celebrations of the Sun, Moon, and stars and of the Earth's fertility. The standing stones, stone circles, sacred groves, and revered springs of Europe are remnants of those ancient days.

The Pagan rites went underground when they were outlawed by the newly powerful Church. No longer did meadows know the sounds of voices chanting the old names of the Sun Gods, and the Moon hung unadorned in the nighttime skies.

The Pagans grew secretive about their rites. Some practiced them outside only under the cover of darkness. Others brought them indoors.

Wicca, has unfortunately inherited this past practice. Among many Wiccans, outdoor ritual is a novelty, a pleasant break from stuffy house-bound rites. I call this syndrome "living room Wicca." Though most Wiccans practice their religion indoors, its ideal to run the rites outside beneath the Sun and Moon, in wild or lonely places far from the haunts of humans.

Such Wiccan rites are difficult to perform today. Traditional Wiccan rituals are complex and usually require a large number of tools. Privacy is also harder to find, and fear of merely being seen is another. Why this fear?

There are otherwise responsible, intelligent adults who would rather see us dead than practicing our religion. Such "Christians" are few but they certainly do exist, and even today Wiccans are exposed to psychological harassment and physical violence at the hands of those who misunderstand their religion.

Don’t let this scare you off. Rituals can be done outdoors, if they've modified so as to attract a minimum of attention. Wearing a black, hooded robe, stirring a cauldron and flashing knives through the air in a public park isn’t the best way to avoid undue notice.

Street clothing is advisable in the case of outdoor rituals in areas where you may be seen. Tools can be used, but remember that they are accessories, not necessities. Leave them at home if you feel that they'll become a problem.

When these aren’t possible (weather is defiantly a factor), Wiccans transform their living rooms and bedrooms into places of power. They do this by creating sacred space, a magickal environment in which the Deities are welcomed and celebrated, and in which Wiccans become newly aware of the aspects of the Goddess and God within. Magick may also be practiced there. This sacred space is the magickal circle.

It is practically a prerequisite for indoor workings. The circle defines the ritual area, holds in personal power, shuts out distracting energies-in essence, it creates the proper atmosphere for the rites. Standing within a magickal circle, looking at the candles shining on the altar, smelling the incense and chanting ancient names is a wonderfully evocative experience. When properly formed and visualized, the magick circle performs its function of bringing us closer to the Goddess and God.

The circle is constructed with personal power which is felt (and visualized) as a steaming from the body, through the athame and out into the air. When completed, the circle is a sphere of energy which encompasses the entire working area. The word circle is a misnomer; a sphere of energy is actually created. The circle simply marks the ring where the sphere touches the Earth (Floor) and continues on through it to form the other half.

Some kind of marking is often placed on the ground to show where the circle bisects the Earth. This might be a cord lain in a roughly circular shape, a lightly drawn circle of chalk, or objects situated to show its outlines. These include flowers (ideal for spring and summer rites); pine boroughs (winder festivals), stones or shells; quartz crystals, even tarot cards. Using objects spark your imagination and are in tune with the ritual.

The circle is usually nine feet in diameter, though any comfortable size is fine. The cardinal points are often marked with lit candles, or the ritual tools assigned to each point.

The pentacle, a bowl of salt or earth may be placed to the North. This is the realm of Earth, the stabilizing, fertile and nourishing element which is the foundation of the other three.

The censer with smoldering incense is assigned to the East, the home of the intellectual element, Air. Fresh flowers or stick incense can also be used. Air is the element of the mind, the communication, movement, divination and ascetic spirituality.

To the South, a candle often represents Fire, the element of transformation, of passion and change, success, health, and strength. An oil lamp or piece of lava rock may be used as well.

A cup or bowl of water can be placed in the West of the circle to represent Water, the last of the four elements. Water is the realm of the emotions, of the psychic mind, love, healing, beauty and emotional spirituality.

Then again, these four objects may be placed on the altar, their positions corresponding with the directions of their elemental attributes.

Once the circle has been formed around the working space, rituals begin. During magickal workings the air within the circle can grow uncomfortably hot and close-it will truly feel different from the outside world, charged with energy and alive with power.

The circle is a product of energy, a palpable construction which can be sensed and felt with experience. It isn't just a ring of flowers or cord but a solid, viable barrier.

In Wiccan thought the circle represents the Goddess, the spiritual aspect of nature, fertility infinity, eternity. It also symbolizes the Earth itself.

The altar, bearing the tools, stands in the center of the circle. It can be made of any substance, though wood is preferred. Oak is especially recommended for its power and strength, as is willow which is sacred to the Goddess.

The Wicca don't believe that the Goddess and God inhabit the altar itself. It is a place of power and magick, but it isn't sacrosanct. Though the altar is usually set up and dismantled for each magickal ritual, some Wiccans have permanent home altars as well. Your shrine can grow into such an altar.

The altar is sometimes round, to represent the Goddess and spirituality, though it may also be square, symbolic of the elements. it may be nothing more than an area of ground, a cardboard box covered with cloth, 2 cinder blocks with a board laying on top, a coffee table, an old sawed-off tree stump in the wild, or a large, flat rock. During outdoor rituals a fire may substitute for the altar. Stick incense may be used to outline the circle. The tools used are the powers of the mind.

The Wiccan tools are usually arranged upon the altar in a pleasing pattern. Generally the altar is set in the center of the circle facing North. North is a direction of power. It is associated with the Earth, and because this is our home we may feel more comfortable with this alignment. Then too, some wiccans place their altar facing East, where the Sun and Moon rise.

The left half of the altar is usually dedicated to the Goddess. Tools sacred to Her are placed there: the c up, the pentacle, bell, crystal, and cauldron. An image of the Goddess may also stand there, and a broom might be laid against the left side of the altar.

If you can't find an appropriate Goddess image (or, simply, if you don't desire one), a green, silver or white candle can be substituted. The cauldron is also sometimes placed on the floor to the left side of the altar if it is too large to fit on top.

Flowers may be set in the middle, perhaps in a vase or small cauldron. Then too, the censer is often centrally situated so that its smoke is offered up to both the Goddess and the God, and the pentacle might be placed before the censer.

Some Wiccans follow a more primitive, nature-oriented altar plan. To represent the Goddess, a round stone (pierced with a hole if available), a corn dolly or a seashell work well. Pine cones, tapered stones and acorns can be used to represent the God. Use your imagination in setting the altar.

If you're working magick in the Circle, all necessary items should be within it before you begin, either on the altar or beneath it. Never forget to have matches handy, or a small bowl to hold the used ones (it's impolite to throw them to the censer or cauldron.)

Though we may set up images of the Goddess and God, we're not idol worshippers. We don't believe that a given statue or pile of rocks actually is the deity represented. And although we reverence nature, we don't worship trees or birds or stones. We simply delight in seeing them as manifestations of the universal creative forces-the Goddess and God.

The altar and the magick circle in which it stands is a personal construction and it should be pleasing to you.

Before we get into any kind of circle call I want to make a note about if you HAVE to leave the circle.

Cutting A Doorway

At times you may have to leave the circle. This is fine, of course, but as previously mentioned, passing through the circle dissipates it, makes it no longer exist. To prevent this from occurring it's traditional to cut a doorway.

To do this, face East. Hold your Athame point downward near the ground. See and sense the circle before you. Pierce its wall of energy with the athame and trace an archway, tall enough to walk through, moving counter-clockwise along the circle for about three feet. Move the point of the Athame up at the arch's center and down the other side until it is near the ground.

As you're doing this, visualize that area of the circle's energy being sucked back into the athame. This creates a void, allowing passage in and out of the circle. Pull the athame out of the circle's wall. You're free to walk outside.

Once back inside, close the door by placing the athame at the opposite side at which you cut to open it. With your athame trace the circle's perimeter clockwise, as if redrawing that portion of the Circle of Stones, again visualizing blue or purple energy flaring out from the blade and converging with the rest of the circle. It is done.

The Circle of Stones

The circle of stones is used during indoor rituals, for energy raising, meditation and so on.

First cleanse the area with the ritual broom (or sprinkle salt water all around)

For this circle you will need for large, flat stones. If you have none, candles can be used to mark the four cardinal points of the circle. White or purple candles can be used, as can colors related to each direction-green for North, yellow for East, red for South, and blue for West.

Place the first stone (candle) to the North, to represent the spirit of the North stone. In ritual when you involve the spirits of the stones you're actually involving all that resides in that particular direction, including the elemental energies.

After setting the North stone (candle), place the East, South, and West stones. They should mark out a rough square, nearly encompassing the working area. The square represents the physical plane on which we exist-the Earth.

Now take a long purple or white cord and lay it out on the circle, using the four stones or candles to guide you. It takes a bit of practice to smoothly do this. The cord should be placed so that the stones remain inside the circle. Now you have a square and a circle, the circle represents the spiritual reality. As such, this is a squared circle; the place of interpenetration of the physical and spiritual realms.

The size of the circle can be anything from 5 to 20 feet depending on the room and your desires.

Next, set up the altar in your usual manner adding flowers and greens.

Light the candles. Set the incense smoking. Lift the athame and touch its blade to the water and say some consecration words for to consecrate the water. do the same with the salt. Cast the circle (you can use 1 of the methods below if you like.

Do magickal working

Close the circle and thank the elements, Goddess, and God.

Now you may check out the Circle Casting Methods.
Here is a simple casting of the circle.

Circle Casting (4 or more people)

walk around the circle three times and hold up your hands to the sky, letting all your energy flow around you. After you're done with that shake your hands to break the charge.

To the East I summon the force of Air to blow out all the negative energies and blow in the positive.

To the South I summon the force of Fire to burn away regrets

To the West I summon the force of Water to cleanse me of all negativity and cleanse away the evil.

To the North I summon the force of Earth, let your renewing strength burry open new paths before me.

The Center The Force I call you to open Your doors (this is kind of like calling Spirit)

Then Say:
I conjure thee, oh circle of power that you might be a boundary between the world of men and the realm of the mighty spirits.
A place of joy, love, and trust to contain the powers I will rise herein.
I have called upon the Protectors of the East, South, West, and North to aid me in the construction of this circle.
In the Name of The Lord and the Lady, Thus do I conjure thee, Great Circle of Power!
This circle is sealed

Call upon the Goddess(charge of the Goddess) and then tell her why you have called her to help you in your magical workings. Call Upon the God in this same manner.

((Do Your Magickal Workings)) After you are done thank the Goddess and the God for joining you and release them. Then go to each of the 4 directions in turn and
Guardians of the East (South, West, North) powers of Air (Fire, Water, Earth) I thank you for joining me in my circle and I ask for your blessing as you depart, may there be peace between us now and forever. Blessed Be!

Then raise you Wand, Athame, or Just your right hand to the sky and say:
"This circle is open but unbroken, May the peace of the Lord and the Lady go in my heart. so Mote It Be!" After you say that put your right hand on the ground (person at the East)
and say:
"Blessed Be!"
and the circle is closed.
